Led strip + WiFi controller: I don't get it at all

Hi yall,

I’m sorry for posting such a simple question here, but I’m having a really difficult time wrapping my head around this new topic.

I want a simple led strip for my man cave, so behind display, possible as indirect light on top of shelves.

I read a few topics here and googled this, but many solutions require soldering or separate ESPs, but I’m more interested in a plug and play solution. I’d prefer a WiFi solution. Zigbee isn’t working properly for me (don’t ask).

Any shopping advice? Thanks a lot in advance!

Look at Govee products.

  1. Plug and play
  2. Most are Wi-Fi but confirm in description. I accidentally bought a BT light strip.

Kasa has a WiFi led lightstrip

I have several Shelly RGBW relays in use with fairly inexpensive DC power supply units and bulk RGBW LED strips off Amazon. It is super easy to wire them up and integrates well with HA - no soldering or programming required. I found this to be a better solution than the all-in-one controller+led strip products because much less expensive and no proprietary vendor app silliness.


I have several Govee LED strips - including 3 outdoor ones - that I’m very happy with, so I’ll second the Govee recommendation :+1:

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I like the shelly idea. How do I power it though? And isn’t the shelly dangling around? :joy: What power and led strip did you buy?

You mean something like this?

And then I would get the govee app, govee Integration, and I’m good to go?

This might be the Bluetooth-only version - make sure you get a WiFi one.

I also just yesterday started to look into using the Govee2MQTT Add-On ( wez/govee2mqtt: Govee2MQTT: Connect Govee lights and devices to Home Assistant) instead of an integration - I’ve not made much progress yet, but it seems to offer way more configuration options.

If your credentials for the add-on don’t work, simply use the API Key you’ll need anyway - cost me about an hour of my life to get that one sorted out :hushed:

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This power supply that I paired with these LED strips were for an uplight project I did in a couple places (above kitchen cabinets and on top of big entertainment center) about 3 years ago. Yes, the Shelly relays are just laying on top of the cabinets next to the power bricks.

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Why are all govee Strips 5m and above? What do I do with the 2-3m that I don’t need :cry:

That makes it 20€ for the controller, 20€ for the Strips and 10€ for the power supply :thinking:

I had assumed it would be a bit cheaper, I must say :joy:

Most of them can be cut to the length you need - the cut piece can be re-attached, but not used separately AFAIK

I tried a couple of all-in-one power supply, controller and strip setups before and paid more for much less performance.

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How do you connect this

To that


They have nothing that fits :cry:

You cut the wire

With this:

Quite simple:

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Too clarify, you won’t cut the pet supply wires to use the adapter @mombro indicated. However, you will need short wires to run from + terminal of Shelly to + terminal of adapter; then same for - terminal.

If you want to cut the wires of power supply as @Hellis81 suggested, you can and just connect directly to Shelly + and - terminals without adapter.

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Oooohhhh, now I understand. So I bought the wrong power supply, one which did not have the adaptor :cry: Ok, bought another one.

With which wire would I connect this? Jumper cables? Or should I dismantle an old 230V cable and cut a 5cm wire off of it?

Jumper cables no!, AC cables are ok or whatever cable that have enough copper inside…
ps. you don’t need that adaptor, just cut the wires and use common screw connectors… or wire it directly to shelly screw connectors.

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Jumper cables?
