Cannot get the damn signal to send to the controller… One TX’er came busted are the other two broken as well? Connect to 5V [VIN & Gnd], DATA on D1. 17.3cm antenna.Controller is under the deckboard in the picture below
What am I doing wrong? Is WiFI messing with the signal? I have tried almost everything! Let me know if you need more info.
Maybe try first with the rcswitch basic example and see if you succeed. I would began by sending the decimal value with the pulselength and the protocol specified.
So!!! Basic example is working!!! Thanks for you reply 1technophile totally read your blog on MQTT and it was helpful. I cannot set pulse_length in esphome is anyone able to provide proper indentation or code for the YAML? Without it its not working. Could it be wifi?
That work in PlatformIO, I just cant get it to work with esphome… I feel like when I specify pulse length the other setting defaults aren’t correct. Or am I using esphome incorrectly? Is there anywyay to get home assistant to trigger the platformIO code? I am so close I can taste it.
Found out how to pulse code but defaults still dont work. At the end of the day I could make it dumb and code everything platformIO but esphome is using rcswitch.h so I dont get it…
Opened an issue @ Github – this is starting to sound like a bug, it works in PlatformIO which is making me believe it could be RC-Switch’s version of implemented in ESPhome?
I am super lost though – hoping the dev can help me figure this one out because I have reached my top in terms of understanding. I don’t know what the difference between the two is. Someone else opened up a very similiar ticket a few days ago so maybe its not anything I am doing wrong. Going to try repeat: 10 as well.
The issue is that with raw you are not giving pulse length and protocol isn’t it?
That’s why it is working with the RCSwitch examples (on which you give these infos).
So if you click on the link [github ticket] youll see that I do infact specify the protocol and still nothing
name: nodemcu_patiolights
platform: ESP8266
board: nodemcuv2
ssid: --
password: --
# Enable logging
# Enable Home Assistant API
password: --
password: --
pin: D1
# RF uses a 100% carrier signal
carrier_duty_percent: 100%
- platform: template
name: Patio_Lights_Power_Button
- remote_transmitter.transmit_rc_switch_raw:
code: '010000000100010100000001'
pulse_length: 396
# Dont really need to specify these because they are default but I do anyway
sync: [1,31]
zero: [1,3]
one: [3,1]
inverted: false
# tried this as well, but if PlatformIO&RCSwitch example no repeat is needed
repeat: 10
Description of Resolution:
Not sure if specifying the values for sync,zero,one, inverted made it work because the defaults weren’t ‘kicking in’. Or whether the repeat 3 is what did it. Not sure but if I had to make an educated guess my signal not transmitting is somehow related to this