Hello, trying to turn on w2812 leds on startup.
here is the code., here is the error:
Pls help me!
INFO ESPHome 2024.9.2
INFO Reading configuration /config/esphome/gasalarm.yaml…
ERROR Error while reading config: Invalid YAML syntax:
mapping values are not allowed here
- in “/config/esphome/gasalarm.yaml”, line 19, column 7*
* name: gasalarm*
* friendly_name: allarme gas*
* name: ${name}*
* friendly_name: ${friendly_name}*
* min_version: 2024.6.0*
* name_add_mac_suffix: false*
* project:*
* name: esphome.web*
* version: dev*
* board: esp01_1m*
* early_pin_init: false*
*priority: 550.0*
* then:*
* - switch.turn_on: GAS_STATUS*
* colors:*
* - state: true*
* brightness: 20%*
* red: 100%*
* green: 0%*
* blue: 0%*
*# Enable logging*
*# Enable Home Assistant API*
* encryption: *
* key: "7NLf2WUzYlrb2EXA8x9hpDbiT2KH6DUrnJkPy/PrtDo="*
* *
*# Allow Over-The-Air updates*
*- platform: esphome*
*# Allow provisioning Wi-Fi via serial*
* ssid: "TIM-18220364"*
* password: "xH76xpkVVvfraC4RNaEpe8mJ"*
* use_address:*
* # Set up a wifi access point*
* ap:*
* ssid: "fall back"*
* password: ""*
*# In combination with the `ap` this allows the user*
*# to provision wifi credentials to the device via WiFi AP.*
* package_import_url: github://esphome/example-configs/esphome-web/esp8266.yaml@main*
* import_full_config: true*
*# To have a "next url" for improv serial*
*# update_interval: 30s*
*- platform: neopixelbus*
* variant: ws2812*
* pin: GPIO14*
* num_leds: 3*
* type: GRB*
* name: "LED ALLARME GAS"*
* restore_mode: ALWAYS_ON*
* default_transition_length: 0s*
* *
*- platform: gpio*
* pin:*
* number: GPIO12*
* inverted: true*
* name: "GAS CUCINA"*
* device_class: GAS*
* filters: *
* delayed_on: 1s*
* - platform: gpio*
* #restore_mode: RESTORE_DEFAULT_OFF*
* pin: GPIO4*
* id: relay_11*
* name: "VALVOLA GAS"*
* inverted: true*
* on_turn_on:*
* - logger.log: "Switch Turned On!"*
* - light.addressable_set:*
* range_from: 0*
* range_to: 2*
* red: 1*
* green: 0*
* blue: 0*
* *
* on_turn_off:*
* - logger.log: "Switch Turned Off!"*