Legacy Nest

@BertrumUK don’t know if it matters, but I can see that my “connected via…” shows up the homebridge instance info, and yours is “Nest…” - did you named your homebridge that?

@Smanny my boiler has built-in storage tank

Mine was the same as yours but I deleted the homekit controller as I was trying to run it off my Pi3 instead. When that would not work, for me, I added it back manually, and it came back up like this. Not sure why TBH.

tried now and… I can’t add Homekit Controller to Home Assistant :wink: it tries to connect but fails… strange, as I did that before without problems.
thanks anyway, I’ll try to install it from the scratch.

EDIT: reinstallation helped. integration works again, away sensor is back and running, only the water heater options are still missing - but I can live with that :wink:

Nest Protect in HACS works well and gives more entities than the Legacy integration. To use it, I had to move away from Works with Nest to the Google login. Now the Nest SDM errors at the authorization step, which is well reported, so I’ve lost my Basement Thermostat. It’s now Spring so I don’t really need the basement heat now and will wait for the official Nest Integration to be fixed.

@allenporter I gave up on the Legacy route when Nest Protect appeared in HACS. It gives me access to the Protects and even temperature sensors. I cannot get the Nest Integration working. I have deleted all my Google Projects and gone through the steps on the integration page many times and it always fails at the end when authorizing and expect it to be the callback url as I have seen this discussed online. redirect_uri: urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob Am I correct in thinking I’ve done all I can and am waiting for a fix of some sort?

Hi, there is a currently ongoing issue, and the summary is here Nest Error 400: invalid_request · Issue #67662 · home-assistant/core · GitHub

Hope this helps

One more

Legacy Nest owner here in need of some advice.

I am still using a thermostat with the Works With Nest APIs on another home automation system. I am not fully transitioned into HA yet, and I’m afraid of loosing my thermostat by switching to the new API. The old ha system does not support the newer API yet, otherwise I would just be done with it and kill off the Nest API access. Ideally it would be nice to have both systems accessing the Nest.

The writing seems to be on the wall, but I still want to ask, if you were me, what would you do with your Nest ?

This gets me thinking, and a bit frosted as well. The more I think about how bog simple a thermostat is, and why can’t some company make a nice looking thermostat that doesn’t need a cloud to run it. ALL of the Zwave tstats look like 1980s boxes (just sh@t). No design elements period. Nest was at least a thing of beauty until the first time I woke up cold. Design that was so Apple like, and not Home Depot electrical isle, made me just “have to have” the shiny new thing that no one else had. Apple really did miss out on this one. Funny saying this as I am not even an Apple owner.

Please let me know what you think would be the best path forward.

My Nest TStats are now just fancy temperature displays as I gave up on google and switched to Smart Thermostat (PID) custom component using average temperature from multiple sensors to fire wifi relays. It worked well through one winter. Other Nest items can be integrated via Nest Protect custom component. The fellow that looks after the Nest Integration works for Google so likely thinks this situation with never ending changes is normal.

Not sure if I follow your last comment there, i assume you’re referring to the recent OAuth deprecations. Yeah, unfortunate timing, but its part of a larger change to improve security unrelated to nest.

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@allenporter: Thanks for your work with maintaining the integration. I’ve used it for at least a few months and it worked very well. Recently it stopped working and I have been unable to restore function. I’ve read many a post and some things are a little unclear to me. Perhaps you, or someone else, could clarify?

Are new Nest integrations, whether Desktop App or Web App not possible at this time?

I’ve seen posts that seem to indicate that a workaround is possible. I’ve tried workarounds, but have been unsuccessful so far. It seems that at the very end of the configuration, HA tries to establish a TLS session with www.googleapis.com, and Google just resets the TCP connection.

Your issue sounds very different than the issue about oauth with a specific Google error page. Can you file an actual home assistant issue report and fill it out with more detail? You haven’t really said what the problem is.

Yes, I can do that. Do I file that issue through github?

Also, is there a workaround that allows new integrations at the moment?

See the alert at the top of the integration documentation which has more detail: Nest - Home Assistant

I saw the notice that the “Works with Nest” is being removed in the August release of HA. For those of us still using the Legacy Nest API with our Nest Protects - just looking for what others have done as the best path forward.

It seems there are two potential options and curious what others plan to do.

  1. Migrate the Nest Protects to Google and use Nick’s custom component.
  2. Leave things on legacy Nest API and create a custom component using the Nest integration from December 2022 - modifying the manifest so it gives it a different name.

Please let me know since I want to ensure that if I take option #1, that I will at least be able to see what I have today which is:

“Smoke Status”
“CO2 Status”
“Battery Health”
“Online Status”

Those are the entities that I current see with my Legacy Nest Protects.

Thanks !!!

Keep in mind:

It’s not just about home assistant dropping support, the API is going away entirely.

Thanks for pointing that out. I wasn’t aware it was being dropped from the Legacy Nest API. From what I understand, there is still no official API on Google that allows the use of the Nest Protects (legacy ones).

It appears my path forward is to migrate my (3) protects to Google and use Nick’s custom component. I’m just glad there is an option still available.
