Legrand/Bticino MyHome

Hello @anotherjulien, it’s already what i do to add the integration, “Add integration and selecting MyHome”. The Gateway is not auto discovered :man_shrugging: . Is it possible to configure the gateway in the configuration.yaml ?
I’m not familiar with Home Assistant developement and Python, but i would like to get the content of ‘self.gateway’ in config_flow.py line 84. How would you do that ? To display the contenant in the log file ? I tried LOGGER.info(self.gateway) but it’s not working.

Hello @anotherjulien, Thanks so much for the amazing integration! Really nice job!

I have a house completely wired with BTicino connected elements (lights (F411/4, F411U2), switches (H4652), covers (LN4672M2), thermostats (LN4691), heating actuators (F430/4), energy manager (F521 + F523)), plus the connected burglar alarm system.
So far I added lights, switch, covers and heating.

The system has been working fine for half a day, but, after some small changes in the configuration.yaml (swapped 2 lights “where” field) and a restart, the heating status does not seem to update correctly. All the items are showing as “heat” while all of them should be in “idle”.
Any suggestion on what could contribute to this problem?

Anyway, if you ever decide to move on and develop the communication with the burglar alarm system, I would be happy to test it.

Hi Julien, I have extrapolated the WHERE addresses from MyHOME Suite and everything works great, in my system there are 22 lights, 3 extractor fans, 6 covers and 1 electric lock for the entrance to the flat.
To be precise, the system contains a MyHOME Server 1 and a MyHOME Touch 7.
I don’t know, however, how to intercept the address that controls the opening of the condominium door (bTicino video intercom system) and I would also like to view the status of the alarm and its sensors (also bTicino).

The system has been configured through MyHOME_Up, is there a way to extrapolate the list of addresses from MyHOME Suite into an excel file rather than writing down the address of each actuator by hand?
Are you planning to integrate an auto-discovery function?
Are you planning to integrate the flashing functions that OWN allows?

For the record: the heating system will be integrated into SCS as soon as I have inserted the appropriate SCS actuators and thermostats. It is a 7-zone underfloor heating and cooling system that also includes a VMC with dehumidification (full Daikin).

@dominik978, could you remind me what is your Home Assistant setup? (are you running HassOS, or directly in docker or somthing else?)
I don’t understand why your gateway is not detected…
Worst case scenario, can you try to put your Home Assistant IP in the security exceptions of the gateway and see what it does?

@IAmVespa, that is very strange… the only thing that stopped working is the heating part? All the rest still works?

@FOSV, I’m afraid I don’t have any entry control so I cannot help to determine the address it uses (or the type of message) to open/unlock the door. Maybe other users with similar systems can help?

I am working on some sort of auto-discovery, but it is very early stages and it will be VERY long before anything is publicly available (especially because it’s a part of the system that is not documented so it needs to be “reverse engineered” so to speak)

As far as flashing functionality, it is similar to auto-discovery, but I do not plan to develop its use, because that could not be integrated into Home Assistant… There is no mechanism in place to “configure” devices from HA directly.

Hello @anotherjulien,
So, last news, i really don’t understand what was going on :man_shrugging:, but it works now !
I had a power issue during the weekend, when i restarted the raspberry, Home Assistant notified me that it had found the server. I don’t know why now, i have restard docker/the raspberry a lot of times before.
It’s seems more related to the rapsberry himself or docker on ARM platform.
I have an Ubuntu server 20.04 on the Raspberry and Home Assistant OS is running in a docker container with the network_mode to host.
Thanks for your help and the answers. I now will try to configure the heat sensors :crossed_fingers:

Hum, yeah, that’s strange! Did you previously try to restart the F454 itself? (I suppose it restarted now during your electrical problem?)
Anyway, I’m glad it works OK now! :slightly_smiling_face:

Hello, I’m interested on your library. I have a SCS plant and I’d like to test with your library. I was a bticino employee and I want to test myhome outside bticino’s world (which today is named myhome_up)
I read that repository is not public.
Can I have instructions about installing your library?
Thanks very much

Hi Francesco, the library and the integrations are publicly available on github (the links are in the very first post on this thread).
To install the integration, the easiest way is through HACS, just add “https://github.com/anotherjulien/MyHOME” as a custom repository there and you’ll be able to install the integration.
Configuration instructions are available on the github repository!

Just what I did a few times before writing you. I went to supervisor and I tried to add a Repository and I copied the rep link

When I clicked on add button HA seams works but nothing happen

I use a Raspeberry PI3 with HA 64bit
Could be because it works only with 32bit OS?

Did you do that in HACS or in Home Assistant’s Supervisor?

The second one. Home assistant

Well, the two are not the same, do not perform the same functions, and are certainly not interchangeable.
So please refer to my first answer and use HACS to install.

Hi julien, i installed integration but it didn’t find F454 despite gateway is correctly listening on I’m running on HA container, i tried to attach to container and launch manually the discovery.py, but no output has been shown . Can i try to force comunication?

I read your gateway model is f454, can you post its configuration? I’d compare it with mine

Thanks for the integration

Your Home Assistant container needs to be able to receive SSDP Multicast packets sent by your gateway, this is the only discovery mechanism.
So you need to configure your docker install accordingly. It’s not really something I am not super familiar with since I use HassOS on a RPi4, but setting your container’s network to “host” or “macvlan” in the same network as your gateway should do the trick.

Hi Julien, thanks for the reply.
HA container network mode is already “host”, in fact I managed to ping gateway from container :see_no_evil:

I’m going to read macvlan net config and i’ll try it

Some users have also reported problems with their switches/routers that prevented discovery from working.
IGMP snooping protection seem to be a problem, as well as “device isolation”.
So you might want to double check your network equipment as well.

I manually connected gateway by OWNdImmagine 2021-04-02 192945
Immagine 2021-04-02 193946
Can i force configuration.yaml to enstablish connection without passing for discovery.py ?

No, it cannot be configured via yaml, discovery is mandatory.
Does your Home Assistant instance discover other devices in your network or nothing at all?
Did you try restarting the F454 (shutting its power source and turn it back up again)?

Hi julien. ha istance show correctly other clients/devices on the network.
I tried to Enable unpn on f454 gateway and Restart f454.
I think that simple service discovery in discovery.py doesn’t find gateway, but i don’t know which message address to use to set multicast for local network 192.168.1.xxx.

I also tried to set macvvlan network mode of container , but output is the same.
Another option could be fork you repository and edit config_flow.py on custom components to bypass Discovery and set manually gateway info, but i’d find serial number of my f454. Did you try this way during past development?

For me (and the vast majority of other users apparently), discovery works first try. I developed all this following guidelines from HA that yaml should be avoided as much as possible, so I never really had to hardcode the gateway in during development.

Are you on Windows? If so, does the gateway appear in the “Network” part of the Explorer along other network devices/shares? (It should be appearing as “WEB SERVER” if you did not change its name)