I am running on a docker, and I access from localhost port 8123 so I think t’s sharing the host network. How can I check it? I repeat anyway that if I run Ownd from the container bash, it finds it
— update:
now it doesn’t connect anymore also from the cli. It stays with “opening event session”
If you do something like ifconfig from your container Bash, what do you get?
I usually run HassOS, with no problem, but if you’re running only the Home Assistant container in Docker, I’m not sure what needs to be done in terms of network to allow SSDP traffic to be forwarded to HA
I will install hassio in a vm and let you know when I am back at home. As i said this is a secondary deploymet for testing, I do not care at the moment of the installation method.
I have a problem with the integration. I explane what happens: I’ve both mhserver1 and F454. They are both discovered but when i configure my yaml, the sensors in lovelace give error. I go to cancel one server( for example F454), and all come to work, but when i restart HA it found the other server HA ask to me the config. I config it and all is in error. Please help me. Thanks
This is getting into fringe use cases I deliberately chose to ignore while developing the integration.
Can you tell me why you have two gateways, and why you need them both in Home Assistant?
Basically this integration is meant to be used with a single gateway because I could not conceive of any reason people would have two distinct SCS buses at home.
If you have two gateways on the same bus, then you only configure one into Home Assistant and ignore the other, and that should be all that is needed to work!
I started using MyHome 10 years ago, when there were no applications yet. Then MyHomeWeb App came out, but it was not very functional. After a few years Bticino released MyHomeServer1 with the splendid MyHomeUp application. So I decided to integrate MHS1 into my system. So I have two servers that work great together. With F454 i can’t integrate the new Home Alarm. Instead with MHS1 i can interact with it.
Yes, I know , but I want to maintain both of them. System works beautifully, so far no problem in my system. I’m an installer, Bticino says that together they do not create any problems. But with home assistant , when I reboot I have to reinstall the integration. This is my error:
Error setting up entry F454 Gateway for switch
Error setting up entry F454 Gateway for cover
Error setting up entry F454 Gateway for climate
Error setting up entry F454 Gateway for binary_sensor
Error setting up entry F454 Gateway for sensor
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/config_entries.py”, line 236, in async_setup
result = await component.async_setup_entry(hass, self) # type: ignore
File “/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/components/light/init.py”, line 265, in async_setup_entry
return await hass.data[DOMAIN].async_setup_entry(entry)
File “/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/helpers/entity_component.py”, line 155, in async_setup_entry
raise ValueError(“Config entry has already been setup!”)
ValueError: Config entry has already been setup!
Platform myhome does not generate unique IDs. ID 4-1 already exists - ignoring climate.soggiorno
Platform myhome does not generate unique IDs. ID 4-2 already exists - ignoring climate.mansarda
Platform myhome does not generate unique IDs. ID 4-3 already exists - ignoring climate.cucina
Platform myhome does not generate unique IDs. ID 4-4 already exists - ignoring climate.matrimoniale
Indeed, having 1, 2 or a million gateways will not be a problem; on the SCS bus.
For this integration only one gateway can be configure.
What happens if you configure one (let’s say MHS1 since it’s the most recent) and click ‘ignore’ on the other one (so F454 here)?
Are you still presented with the option to configure a new one after a restart?
Most of the errors you show here are related to the configuration of multiple gateways at the same time.
You are not missing anything, I am
I did not consider the touch screen as a possible gateway…
I’ll add it for the next release, in the meantime you can edit the manifest.json file to add this block of code where all the other gateways are:
Hy Julien
I tried to install you component on Hassio but seams there is something not working.
The Integration start but nothing happens
I tried to run also the comand to check the gateway (I use an HL4684) but I’ m not able to found the OWNd seam like this library not be installed or better under user/local… there is no OWNd direcotiry
I can create by comand line but l do not understand what is not working
What kind of Home Assistant installation do you have?
I you are running HA in HassOS for example, HA is in a docker container and you would need to first run docker exec -it homeassistant /bin/bash to get inside it. There you would be able to use the OWNd commands.
But the problem is likely the same as with the AM4890 touch screen, I have not added it yet.
So same thing, you can manually edit the manifest.json file and add the HL4684 and it should do the trick.
Thank you Julien ! Function with H/L4684. At the moment I have integrated bTicino plant with Node-Red and MQTT but I’ll test your integration. I am happy that someone else has taken the integration forward. Well done
From node red and mqtt I get the right value.
I have seen that in the OWNd library you get the value of the state of the valves and I think also the manual offset of the set temperature. Are these present in HA ?
Hi clau67, we have the same central unit.
Julien has no thermoregulation, we have to give him a hand: D
I think it’s a status update problem, it doesn’t always work. if you send the status request frames through the “myhome.send_message” service, do you see the correct data then?
for exaples:
*#4*12*0## (status temp probe 1)
*#4*12*12## (all status probe)
This is my config - Click to expand
- platform: myhome
zone: "#0"
name: Termo Central unit
heat: True
cool: False
standalone: False
manufacturer: BTicino
model: 3550
zone: "1"
name: Termo Camera
heat: True
cool: False
standalone: False
manufacturer: BTicino
model: F430/4
zone: "2"
name: Termo Studio
heat: True
cool: False
standalone: False
manufacturer: BTicino
model: F430/4
zone: "3"
name: Termo Bagno
heat: True
cool: False
standalone: False
manufacturer: BTicino
model: F430/4
zone: "4"
name: Termo Sala
heat: True
cool: False
standalone: False
manufacturer: BTicino
model: F430/4
termo_quadro: # not implemented
zone: "5"
name: Termo Quadro
heat: True
cool: False
standalone: True
manufacturer: BTicino
# model: F430/4
When everything works properly, this is the result
Yes, I’ll try to give you all the help I can !
Julien I’m not gone so deep into your code to understand how do you get data for heating.
Do you send command along the command bus or do you continuously read the event bus ?
With node-red I read from the event bus all the message and when I get
as beginning of the message then I split the message and check if the third part of the divided message is equal
0 read the Temperature,
14 read the set T,
20 is the valve state
13 is the offset Temperature.
Then I read the value in the fourth part of the message.
In this way I get ever the correct value.
To update HA I think you use the same routine you use for update status light if someone turn off or on it with the wall switch .
Is this correct ?