Hello, good to see that Legrand Home + Control has been added to the Core Integrations. But unfortunately I wasn’t able to get it working yet. Authentication process seems ok and I can see the Integration in the list but there is no Entities, nothing can be seen in the integration. Any ideas ?
Same here… I see the integration , but that’s it… No entities… I have the lights integrated true homekit , but i am looking to get this working because i hope i can control the scenes with this one. Any ideas?
Hi, well I fixed the issue by setting third party app in the home + control app : my account - partner app, the id of the app created in the déveloper account should be listed here, just click on it and give correct permissions (don’t know if this the way it should be but it worked for me). This link can help: https://qna.legrand.com/home-control/49be88f1-ba44-4ade-a938-d49be4e292ef/MGL0154
I was already thinking about that , problem is my app doesnt show up there…
The problem was my subscription , fixed it , now everything shows up.
Another thing to try: I think you cannot use the same account for home+ control and developer account, be sure to have 2 different login / password for both platforms. Unfortunately I cannot remember exactly how I succeeded in getting things right, but issue wasn’t related to Home Assistant or the Home+ Control integration.
Good news ! Unfortunately this is not so straightforward but in the end it should work.
I have a problem with Legrand home + .
Integration with HA sees the sockets and the lighting does not see the shutters. I would like to add that all the items are marked in the subscription. I don’t know what to do next.
Thanks for the help.
I have the same problem.
I don’t see an entity.
How did you do ?
Is this a problem with legrand or home assistant?
Thank you
Hi, if you managed to add integration successfully and you own compatible devices that don’t show up in HA then you should check in your home + control (Legrand) app - account settings if you see the ID of your app (the one you created in Legrand’s dev account for HA) in the third party linked application. If you don’t, then add it, and you should be good to go.
I don’t see my app ID in my home + control account.
How to add it?
Normally it is done automatically, but if it fails then you should be able to add it manually, but pay attention to the login (email address) and password you used in Legrand’s dev account. If you want to know which one is linked to home + control, you can click on the link at the bottom of the “Third party application” screen: “I can’t install a partner app” it will give you the email address of the previously linked account, this email address must be the same as the one you used in the dev account. If this is the first time you try to link something with home + control then there is a wizard, just follow the instructions, again use the correct email address and password (Legrand’s dev account). Also double check that you give read/write permissions to your app (plugs,switches, lights…).
Ok, did you create the app (for home assistant) in dev account with the same email address ?
Quote from Legrand’s faq: “ To link a partner application to the Home + Control App, go in your App settings and select “My account”, “Partner apps” then “Use a partner app”. Follow the instructions in the application.”. Don’t you see the “use a partner app” ?
I remember having a hard time finding what was wrong but root cause was in home + control app and account settings (I had to use different email addresses between dev account and home + control for some reasons, not sure if it is a mandatory situation).
I contacted Legrand who told me that we could have the same account for home + control and the developer account, but that’s not true.
With 2 differents accounts it’s ok.
On the other hand, I do not see the power consumption of my outlets.
It’s normal ?
Thank you
Hi, yes indeed it’s not very clear… Good news that you managed to find a solution for your setup. Power consumption is not available yet Unfortunately, we’ll have to wait…
I used same email for app and dev portal, but I cannot see my application in the app menu.
I’m home assistant it appears to be connected but no entity is showing up.
When registering my application on dev portal I put my home assistant address with this format
https://myname.duckdns.org/auth/external/callback ( not sure if this was the expected info I needed to put )
hope to find out a solution
The Integration support shutters?
No shutters only on off
Hello, I used https://xxxxxx.duckdns.org
The developer account must be different from the home + control account