Legrand Home Control Plus Energy Meter

Hi all, it would be nice to add the energy meters monitoring in Legrand Home Control+. if needed I can provide the json energy meter content.

Same request please. Can you please help get these new smart switches and plugs sensors into HA?

Is is the same for me. I have some Legrand equipments that measure the consumptions :

  • Ecocompteur connecté Drivia, ref 4 120 33 : Only “identify” entity is found
  • Smart plugs, ref. 6 003 91 : Switch is working, but no consumptions
  • Smart heater plug, ref 0 648 79 : Is considered like a switch. Impossible to change heater command and measure consumption

As energy management is now part of HA, it would be great to get these datas!
If I could help for something, please let me know (logs, …)

Thanks in advance