Lenovo ThinkSmart View ROM/OS Development

I’ve just pushed a new version to the repo. I usually force-push to that branch as I prepare for me to send it upstream. So you may have to reset the branch to the current commit when a simple git pull fails.

Oh, thanks for the tip, I was just looking into how to get the dev environment going. Out of curiosity, since your last update on it about a month ago, have you had any more success with the camera?

Not yet, unfortunately. But I haven’t had a lot of time to spare in the past months. I hope things quiet down a bit in the coming months, so I can take another look.

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VLC for android will for some reason not play audio from rtsp links, perhaps also other video files.
Also when using frigate cards, audio will not play unless i click it to play. on my normal browser audio starts playing if i select camera’s to be auto unmuted.

Weird issue, but overall im glad with lineageos.

Is there a way to force a app to stay open? I am using sb player to use the device as a media player, but after some hours the app disconnects.

With Android you probably need root and something like tasker. With Linux, you can just define a service (for systemd, openrc, etc) and it will ensure that whatever it is, is running.

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Maybe i can try the postmarketos…i mainly want to use the device as media player. Is wifi better on it?

This just dropped and it has native ios and android on device wakeword detection. Wonder if we can get this added to FK or wallpanel?

accuracy might be better, but there is already someone who made “hotword” work for these devices, which is essentially the same. when a wake word is detected, trigger a action, such as opening the home asisstant assistant on the device (if using the companion app instead of FK or wallpanel).
However this brings some disadvantages.

Furthermore, this app requires a license, which are not cheap.
thanks for sharing it though!