Lenovo Tuya RGB Light Strip Colour/Brightness Local Tuya 12 digit value

Bit of a newb at HA and I have just purchased a Lenovo RGB Tuya Light Strip.

I’d added into the Tuya Smart app, got the local ID and loaded into Localtuya

I can turn it on and off but can’t control colour/brightness/temperature.

It appears that Value 24 actually controls all 3 attributes. There’s 12 digits:
aaaa b ccc d eee
aaaa is colour
b -unsure
ccc- temperature
d - unsure
eee brightness

How can I allow for this using Local Tuya as it seems under Local Tuya, each value can only control one attribute?

You need to call the service and set the RGBWW value and Brightness. Like this for Green color:

  - service: light.turn_on
      brightness_pct: 100
        - 0
        - 255
        - 0
        - 0
        - 0
        - light.light_strip

Just wondering if anyone out there has been able to control all five channels of this thing with LocalTuya.

I’ve set up all the DPs as recommended in other posts but appears that the HACS LocalTuya (or native cloudy Tuya integration for that matter) aren’t able to fully control these guys.

For instance the W control is wonky. The following service call results in White LED being activated instead of all RGB channels:

service: light.turn_on
    - 255
    - 255
    - 255
    - 0
    - 0
  entity_id: light.lenovoled1

And sending the W channel activates all the RGB channels in a attempt to make a cool white:

service: light.turn_on
    - 0
    - 0
    - 0
    - 255
    - 0
  entity_id: light.lenovoled1

The WW channel seems to only be directly addressable through the color temp slider. IOW, if you choose a warm white it shifts to the WW LED and a cool white the W LED. But I can’t seem to address the WW through YAML. It just tries to create a WW through the RGB LEDs.

The scenes and color_temp (even though it shows up as an attribute) don’t work at all.

Is this an ID10T/Layer 8 error or is the LocalTuya integration just not capable of properly controlling these guys?