Let Home assistant show "home" or "away" not precise location

Hey guys,

Want to start to make a compliment to all the developers, absolutly love Home Assistant!

However one functionality would make Home Hssistant much more functional for my family.
At the moment on the map and in history you can see very precisly where people are located. In some situations this might be what you want. In our family we like our privacy and prefer that the rest of the family can’t constantly check on us where we are.

That’s why i would like a option where you can disable this without losing the functionality of automations when ariving home for example. What i have in mind is that on the mobile app you can set Home Assistant to only keep track of people in zones. For example, when i arrive home the app sents to my Home Assistant server that i’m home. When i leave it sents i left but after that location is not shared anymore. I’m also okey in sharing the location with the server but just hiding it in Home Assistant.

It would be awesome if this functionality will be added.

Thanks in advance!

With 0.115 you can rearrange and remove items from the sidebar, so you could remove the map from there.

PS: You forgot to vote for your own request :wink:

You could also just turn off the map by removing map: from your configuration. If you’re using default config, it’s a bit more work. You have to remove default_config and add everything that default config did, minus map.

Both thanks for the reply, i removed the map and history both from the sidebar since 0.115. However it’s not really solved since that everyone can activate them again.

@Tinkerer good point, thought you couldn’t vote for yourself :smiley:

Not if you

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Is there any example of config.yaml where default_config: was replaced by all integrations? Wouldn’t it make sense to add an example in Default Config page in the documentation? Do I just list the name of integrations I need with colons or manually configure all their respective settings?

If you just list them it’s fine but if you also need to configure them separately it’ll make the config more difficult to manage.

How about implementing something like:

  - media_source
  - cloud
  - map

This cannot be that hard to implement - the app just reads the list of integrations from the default_config array and removes those in default_config_except array?

Thanks for your help :slight_smile:

There is somewhere in the forums, can’t remember where.

Yes, it would. You can suggest an edit at the bottom of the page.

Just list them with a colon.

Someone attempted to add it and the PR was rejected.

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Thank you.

PR_28340 was submitted.