Let’s Encrypt with No-IP


I am starting the Home Assistant setup for my home using a Raspberry Pi 3B with Raspbian Stretch Desktop, I already installed the system and I did the setup for external access, but I’m not able to generate the certificate with Let’s Encrypt.

I use a free domain from NO-IP where the IP is renewed directly on the router, I configured the forwarding of ports 80, 443 and 8123 to Raspberry, but when I try to generate the certificate it gives this error:

To test, I removed the firewall rules with the command “sudo iptables -F” and during Certbot verification I accessed the server shown in the screenshot below, but the certificate has not yet been generated.

Letaenceypt is trying to place file on server at location specified in error message.

Both 443 and 80 must point to and allow access to that location and locations must exist on server.

My guess is location cannot be accessed outside your network from internet.

As side note, don’t expose HA on 8123 to web.
Use any other port but that. Preferably something above 1000.