Let's encrypt certificate


I have a HASSIO installation on a Ubuntu Machine and now I want to implement the Let’s Encrypt add-on. I have installed it and configured following this page: https://www.home-assistant.io/addons/lets_encrypt/. Ecerything looks good, the certificate is created. Then I restart the HASSIO server. But then, when I go to the ssl page (https://hass.xxx.xx:8123) it goes wrong and I get the message “Unable to conect to Home Assistant. RETRY”. HASSIO
Unfortunately I will not get to open the main page.

I hope someone can help me.

Kind regards,
Ivo Frenken

SSL is generally on 443.

Have you tried browsing to the URL specified when creating the certificate? Something like https://hassio.yourdomain.com

That is NOT the way the hassio addon is configured, at least according to the instructions.

Try to refresh the browser page with the cache emptied (ctrl-f5 depending on browser)


I have done that. In IE I get the next error message:

"Can’t connect securely to this page

This might be because the site uses outdated or unsafe TLS security settings. If this keeps happening, try contacting the website’s owner.

Try this:
•Go back to the last page"

In Firefox:
"Beveiligde verbinding mislukt

Fout tijdens het verbinden met hass.frenken.eu:8123. SSL ontving een record die de maximaal toegestane lengte heeft overschreden. Foutcode: SSL_ERROR_RX_RECORD_TOO_LONG

De pagina die u wilt bekijken kan niet worden weergegeven, omdat de echtheid van de ontvangen gegevens niet kon worden geverifieerd.
Neem contact op met de website-eigenaars om ze over dit probleem te informeren.

Meer info…

Fouten als deze rapporteren om Mozilla te helpen kwaadwillende websites te herkennen en te blokkeren"

And in Chrome:
Deze site kan geen beveiligde verbinding leveren hass.frenken.eu heeft een ongeldige reactie verzonden.
Voer Windows Netwerkcontrole uit.

Is there some where where I can check if the certificate is in the correct place?

Kind regards,
Ivo Frenken

It is working now. It was a space before the “http:” part in the configuration.yaml that was breaking it down. I now removed it, and it is working again.

Thanks for all you reply’s