Let's Encrypt - DNS ionos

I wanted to ask when the release 4.13. of the addon will be available in HomeAssistant.

according to the changelog:

the support for ionos DNS should be included here.


Keen to use Ionos with the LetsEncrypt add-in too.
Did you hear of any progress on this update?

Support for Ionos is removed in the current version? Verion is 5.x but ionos is not listet in the supported provides.


It was not removed, it was never there.
There were several pull requests, see e.g. letsencrypt: add IONOS DNS provider support by morphis · Pull Request #2812 · home-assistant/addons · GitHub, which are closed because of stale. Unfortunately, these were never merged.
I would be very grateful if someone could make it possible. :slight_smile:

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There is a new pr for this: Add support for IONOS DNS challenge by dim-0 · Pull Request #3743 · home-assistant/addons · GitHub
Maybe this time it will get through :smiley:

Update. Using Let’s Encrypt v5.2.12

Once I used the correct endpoint for Ionos Let’s Encrypt was able to create the certificate.
So. it looks like Ionos was finally added.

Ionos endpoint: https://api.hosting.ionos.com