I’d like to have my certificates obtained via dns-01 challenge using my own acme-dns that is hosted externally.
With regular certbot usage, all I need to do is to use --manual flag and provide the binary name for acme-dns-client, as follows:
certbot certonly --manual --preferred-challenges dns \
--manual-auth-hook 'acme-dns-client' -d your.domain.example.org
What would I need to do, to make this approach work with Home Assistant?
I have only vague grasp on the HA addons, but I assume I’d need to prepare my own Dockerfile that will install the acme-dns-client within itself, is that correct?
The acme-dns-client uses /etc/acmedns/ dir to store its secrets for communication with acme-dns (I’d need this to be persistent volume).
Have you figured this out?
I am trying to achieve approximately the same thing. ie. using manual with a batch script for dns challenge with Godaddy.
I already have this setup working on an ubuntu server but I want this for my home assistant setup.
I did not, still looking for neat solution. I have one host in my network that downloads the certs, it uses hooks to push them into other hosts. I’m yet to find out how to push the certs to HassOS…
Could you install the Samba addon? That will expose an SSL folder that you can place the cert files into. I think HA needs restarted then to pull in the new cert.