I am attempting to configure the LetsEncrypt add-on to connect to DigitalOcean, and I am unable to get it to run, apparently. There is no feedback on the add-in log, there are no log entries in the homeassistant.log, the certs are not created in /ssl, and nothing is reflected in DigitalOcean’s DNS interface under TXT records.
I am running Hassio .106.5 in Docker on Ubuntu 18.
This is my current config, which is requesting a wildcard cert:
I have also tried adding the digitalocean_email option, as well as requesting a non-wildcard cert, all with the same behaviors. There is nothing blocking any outbound requests.
Because I am behind a firewall, I can’t (well, won’t) forward my connections through it, so I need to use the DNS option. I use Nabu Casa for external access but want to add SSL to internal communications (primarily for Google Cast, but for security purposes as well).