LetsEncrypt and DigitalOcean Official Add-on config

I am attempting to configure the LetsEncrypt add-on to connect to DigitalOcean, and I am unable to get it to run, apparently. There is no feedback on the add-in log, there are no log entries in the homeassistant.log, the certs are not created in /ssl, and nothing is reflected in DigitalOcean’s DNS interface under TXT records.

I am running Hassio .106.5 in Docker on Ubuntu 18.

This is my current config, which is requesting a wildcard cert:

email: bob@[REDACTED].net
  - '*.[REDACTED].net'
certfile: fullchain.pem
keyfile: privkey.pem
challenge: dns
  provider: dns-digitalocean
  digitalocean_api_key: [REDACTED]

I have also tried adding the digitalocean_email option, as well as requesting a non-wildcard cert, all with the same behaviors. There is nothing blocking any outbound requests.

Because I am behind a firewall, I can’t (well, won’t) forward my connections through it, so I need to use the DNS option. I use Nabu Casa for external access but want to add SSL to internal communications (primarily for Google Cast, but for security purposes as well).

Any suggestions are appreciated.

Not sure if OP managed to get this working, but for anyone else that has this issue, the config should be:

email: bob@[REDACTED].net
  - '*.[REDACTED].net'
certfile: fullchain.pem
keyfile: privkey.pem
challenge: dns
  provider: dns-digitalocean
  digitalocean_token: [REDACTED]

Under Section 2. DNS challenge → DNS Providers → In addition ad the fields…

it gives the list of what’s needed for each provider.