Letsencrypt with cloudflare


I’m trying to switch over to cloudflare with letsencrypt and DNS verification.

I’ve disabled the duckdns and configured the letsencrypt according the documentation.

When starting letsencrypt, i can see the TXT getting added in my dns config and removes after a few minutes, however i’m getting this error in the log:

s6-rc: info: service s6rc-oneshot-runner: starting
s6-rc: info: service s6rc-oneshot-runner successfully started
s6-rc: info: service fix-attrs: starting
s6-rc: info: service fix-attrs successfully started
s6-rc: info: service legacy-cont-init: starting
cont-init: info: running /etc/cont-init.d/file-structure.sh
cont-init: info: /etc/cont-init.d/file-structure.sh exited 0
s6-rc: info: service legacy-cont-init successfully started
s6-rc: info: service legacy-services: starting
services-up: info: copying legacy longrun lets-encrypt (no readiness notification)
s6-rc: info: service legacy-services successfully started
[11:57:21] INFO: Selected DNS Provider: dns-cloudflare
[11:57:21] INFO: Use propagation seconds: 60
[11:57:22] INFO: Use CloudFlare token
Saving debug log to /var/log/letsencrypt/letsencrypt.log
Requesting a certificate for ha.REDACHTED.com
Waiting 60 seconds for DNS changes to propagate

Certbot failed to authenticate some domains (authenticator: dns-cloudflare). The Certificate Authority reported these problems:
Domain: ha.REDACTED.com
Type: dns
Detail: DNS problem: looking up TXT for _acme-challenge.ha.REDACTED.com: DNSSEC: DNSKEY Missing

Hint: The Certificate Authority failed to verify the DNS TXT records created by --dns-cloudflare. Ensure the above domains are hosted by this DNS provider, or try increasing --dns-cloudflare-propagation-seconds (currently 60 seconds).

Don’t know what i’m doing wrong here, as i can’t seem to find what the root cause actually is…

anybody can point me out to something?

As I remember you have to use dns from cloudflare to make this work. It could take up to 24 hours to propagate. It was something like that.

Hi thx for the quick answer, cloudflare is not my registrar, i thought it was enough to set CF as my nameservers and add the domain there. I can see all my dns records in CF. Do i need to move my DNS to CF so it’s CF that is the registrar?

As I remember you have to move your dns records to cloudflare. There is doc somewhere online so check it out.

Hi, just transfered my domain to Cloudflare, and it works like a charm now.

So basically a pre-req of this is to have your DNS transferred to clouflare. At least that’s my conclusion, and for 10$ it’s even less than my current registrar…

If anyone else lands here and is having issues check out my YouTube video on how to configure LetsEncrypt with CloudFlare for Home Assistant