Level Tank sensor with shelly Uni


I built a level sensor for my cistern with the Shelly uni.

How can I integrate the Homeassistant in such a way that I get a percentage display of the maximum?

I have attached a drawing for the construction of the Shelly. The values ​​are queried via the ADC output of the Shelly Uni.

Thank you in advance and have a nice day!:blush:

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Here are some extra Informations about the cistern:

Height: 2,35m
Diameter: 2,50


you have probably resolved this in the meantime but anyway.

Adding two sensors to the HA instance (cm and %) based on ADC voltage sensor assumed 0 - 10V measuring range for 200 cm depth water sensor and entity called su_water via configuration.yaml.

I don’t know how to prevent rounding of ADC sensor by the integration - it is rounded to one decimal by default.

  - platform: template
        friendly_name: "Water LVL pct"
        unique_id: water_pct
        unit_of_measurement: '%'
        value_template: "{{ (states('sensor.su_water_adc') | float * 100 / 10) | round (0) }}"

        friendly_name: "Water LVL cm"
        unique_id: water_cm
        unit_of_measurement: 'cm'
        value_template: "{{ (states('sensor.su_water_adc') | float * 200 / 10) | round (0) }}"
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i am not an expert in electronics so i need to make these stupic questioin to get it right.

the sensor (+) is connected to Uni’s VCC
the sensor (-) is connected to Uni’s GND Sensor
the power supply (+) is connected to the pump (+) and the Uni’s VCC
the power supply (-) is connected to Uni’s ADC and (via a 250 or 500 Ohm resistor) to the cable connecting the sensor (-) to the Uni’s GND sensor

am i getting this right?

also, what if I put a 560 Ohm resistor?

any help from anybody??

I have the same problem as you - did you manage to set it up (yaml part I meen)?