Leviton Decora Smart (Wifi)

Feature Request for HA integration with Leviton’s new (as of April 2017) Decora Smart Wifi Switches/Dimmers

To my knowledge, this line of products is the only to offer 3-way (up to 5-way) smart dimmers that function through wifi requiring no hub. Both Google home and Alexa have integration with them so I can only assume the API is accessible - likely from contacting them directly as I have not been successful finding anything online (although I don’t know much about APIs). Apart from voice control with GHome/Alexa, leviton offers a mobile app to control the lights via wifi.



Relevant Product No.


I haven’t bought any of these but love that they are dimmer switches and allow 3-way/4-way expandable switches without the use of a hub.

Has anyone played with these? Would love to see a component or some support.


I have installed two in my place, both with remotes so each are in a 3way setup. They were super easy to install - just ran 14/3 to each remote. Integration with Google Assistant/Home works awesome too.

So far I haven’t seen any support for home assistant and leviton does not have an ifttt channel for them either yet so unfortunately I haven’t been able to even find a work around to integrating them. Hopefully support will come soon because they seem to be the only “normal” looking wifi dimmer out there!

I’ve reverse engineered their internal cloud services API. Already have a script that successfully controls /queries their dimmer. Working on a Pull request to HA this week.



That’s awesome news!

I’m curious to see implementation/testing of other users. I may have to go pickup a few to test out.

Thank you for your support!


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See: https://github.com/home-assistant/home-assistant/pull/8529

Pretty simple. I only have the dimmer switch so I have no way to test the other products. If anybody out there wants to give it a shot, I would love some feedback.


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Awesome, Tim! I am going to check out the github right now. I will report back how it works for me - I have two dimmers, both with wireless remotes setup in a 3-way configuration.

I have a busy week this week, so I may not report back for about a week until I get a chance to implement your work, just FYI


Sorry I haven’t got back sooner. I had some trouble figuring out how to run your pull request, and then got busy - but good news today - Leviton has an IFTTT channel now so scripts and webhooks should be able to control decora wifi products! Have yet to try it yet but I can’t see why it wouldn’t work!

Just to wrap up this thread, official support as of HA 0.51:

I trying to figure out what switches I want to buy for new construction and having a hard time pinning real details down, so I could be wrong.

It looks like the Leviton Wifi devices are controlled through Leviton’s cloud rather than a local connection over wifi. The plugin configuration takes a username and password for Leviton.

While this is good for out-of-house control, Alexa and other “cloud-to-cloud” triggers the downsides are:

  • No automation/computer control is possible if your internet connection goes down, but your local network is still up. (Your Echo devices will also be useless in this scenario since they are completely cloud based.)
  • If Leviton’s cloud service is ever discontinued, say 5-10 years down the line, or if they go out of business, ability to automate is also lost.

A Leviton rep claimed SmartThings can control the Wifi Switch locally without an internet connection, but I haven’t been able to confirm that.


Hopefully someone will be able to sniff out the commands or payloads needed to be able to control these locally without going out to their cloud. I really wish all of these companies would enable the ability to do that more, mostly because of your second point rct.

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This. I started looking at these switches then realized it was through the cloud API…and I’m out. I want local control, period.


@tlyakhov Awesome work reverse engineering the protocol and spurring the integration. I’d love to reach out and ask some more detailed questions. I’m new to these forums and couldn’t find a “private message” button.

Also… hoping this isn’t too off-topic on an old post: Has anyone found an alternative to this product - i.e. a smart, high-wattage 3-way dimmer - that can be run locally without always phoning home to the cloud? (Or at least, not to “third parties” - I do use Alexa and can swallow Amazon knowing when I’m talking to my devices… could also swallow an initial cloud-based setup)


There’s a very good reason for phone home to cloud - it has some positive security implications. These Leviton switches literally don’t have any open ports and communicate with Leviton with decent encryption. It would be very difficult to hack them remotely. They verify certificates so good luck doing a MITM attack when your switch gives you nothing.

Now imagine a locally accessible implementation and poor network security - I’m sure somebody would find a broad-impact attack vector before Leviton could issue a firmware fix in time.


I recently purchased a few of these and I am now considering returning them. I’d be very interested in utilizing these locally, and accessing them remotely, as opposed to them being dependent on the cloud service.

Are there any locally hosted solutions for this? I was able to join the dimmer to my home network but, as you mentioned, there are no open ports on the device once its joined to my home network. I’m going reset it and mess around with it at, but the only page I saw at first glance was the ability to join wifi networks.

I saw there are a few GitHub repos that interact with the API, but none of them serve them. Thanks for any help!

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Hi all, I have a lot of decora smart wifi switches and use them in an automation in HASSIO and also ifttt. However, since a few days the automations and ifttt stopped working or took super long. I could see that if I switch a light on, it takes a while to show up in home assistant as a state change, once I see it the automation is triggered. Ifttt stopped working all together. Did anybody experience the same issues?

Sorry to reply to an old comment but I go to that page, add the lines to my config file and then…what? Nothing happens. I found the github but then what do I do with those files? The only instructions I can find are to add lines to my config file, so I’m not understanding how this is “official” support.

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I have ~30 or so Leviton Wifi dimmers and switches (spread over 2 homes), and I’m getting tired of their slow and occasionally buggy cloud service… I’m a huge fan of local control, and my Leviton switches are the only remaining devices I have that are not controlled locally. Has there ever been an attempt to hack the API to support local-only control?

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Has anyone been able to get this working with the WiFi scene controller(D2SCS-1BW)? I am able to get it to show up, but it only exposes the internal load switch to home assistant, not the other 3 switches.


There is a third-party integration via HACS. Supports all of this and more (fans, etc.)

Can we get this code brought into the native integration?