LG LV3700-SA TV pairing request problem

Hello, I have a problem regarding the pairing with my LG TV 3700 model, at all times the Home Assistant is trying to pair with it and I do not want this pairing to occur, because every time it tries it shows a place to code preventing me from seeing what’s on TV.

Remembering that I did not make any configuration for him to connect the TV

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Go to configuration / integrations and click the ignore button for the discovered LG TV integration.

The problem is that my TV does not appear in these integration settings, another thing that I saw is that the TV also appears on the network as a media device, maybe it could be there that is causing this problem!


I am also having the same problem with an older LG TV.

quite frustrating.

I have the same issue with an older LG TV. Did you find any solution for this issue?

Same problem on my LG 32LW5590-ZE. Just started using Home Assistant but this is very annoying. Spamming thisrequest every 10 minutes. I tried the ignore and pair then disable function without any result. Any idea?