Lg soundbar as unnamed device

Hello all,

i recently bought LG SK8 Soundbar. When it has been installed - homeassistant (hassio 0.84.6 ) detects it automatically. But unfortunately:

  • device named as “unnamed device”
  • cannot control: volume, source, switch on/off

nothing in logs

Can you please advice what im doing wrong?

Thanks in advance

I have the same problem.


Did you get to the bottom of this? I have the same issue.

I have the same issue. plz let me know solution.

Hello Guys I found the half solution.

  1. sound bar shoud be connected Wifi

  2. configuration.yaml

  • platform: lg_soundbar
    host: xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx (<— this sound bar shoud be connected Wifi)
  • Not solved
    -. Power is not available in Wifi mode

But It’s natural in Wifi Mode

Have a nice day everyone. ^^

I hope you all solved this problem.

Hi @minsuke , this didn’t work for me? Unless I’ve done this wrong but here is how I’ve added the above to my config.

  - platform: panasonic_viera
    name: Panasonic TV 
  - platform: lg_soundbar

@mjg59 I see you built this integration, Are you able to provide some insight.
Sometimes it works, then I reboot and up next discovery it appears as unnamed device and doesn’t work.

same problem after soundbar update
I have a SK10Y

I have the same problem with SK10Y… unnamed device… I really want to be able to control volume while watching movies with surround…

Have done the same as above:

  - platform: lg_soundbar
    name: LG Soundbar

All i get is media_player.unnamed_device

I have also enabled both


No solution? Noone got it working?

I had the same problem but actually solved it using Mini media player card and just adding the unnamed_device… And it worked. :slight_smile:

Allthough now it actually detects my soundbar as lg_soundbar :slight_smile: