LG ThinQ API not working in some European countries

I have an LG washing machine with Wi-Fi support (via LG ThinQ). And I found that Home Assistant already has support for LG ThinQ devices.

Trying to add the device, HA redirected me to LG’s website to generate a token, which went successfully.
Unfortunately, trying to connect using this token fails with message “The country is not supported.” displayed in HA UI. The following message is logged:

2024-12-29 23:13:02.991 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.lg_thinq.config_flow] Failed to validate access_token ThinQAPIException: NOT_SUPPORTED_COUNTRY (1307) - Not supported country

I’m from Estonia, a small country, and it’s pretty usual that companies forget that we exist. But it seems the same problem also affects larger European countries: at least Poland and 2 other users in this GitHub issue: Misleading configuration flow error of LQ Thinq when using in unsupported country · Issue #130777 · home-assistant/core · GitHub

I tried taking example code from GitHub - thinq-connect/pythinqconnect tried lots of different country codes:

  • For non-European countries, the error returned was “NOT_ALLOWED_API_AGAIN (1309) - Not allowed api call”
  • For all European countries tried, error was “NOT_SUPPORTED_COUNTRY (1307) - Not supported country”

Seems to indicate that LG specifically forbids EU countries from using this API?

LG and ThinQ websites are a complete mess, there’s half a dozen different websites, full of Konglish, untranslated strings, websites assuming you’re from Korea or US without offering a choice; I didn’t manage to find any specific information about this, not any online discussion apart from the GitHub issue above.

One interesting thing was mentioned here https://thinq.developer.lge.com/en/cloud/docs/EMP-Authorization/API-Reference/v2_ThinQ-Connect/

So maybe instead this has something to do with my account? There was some checkbox that I refused to accept while signing up for their service? But I went through the ThinQ mobile app and several LG online services, I couldn’t find any such checkboxes apart from allowing marketing notifications.

In any case, it would be interesting to know who has managed to get ThinQ devices working and from which country.

did you sighnup with a socialmedia account like google/ thisis not supported.

and on the page you sighnup if you go on the top it says korean butif you click there you can find your country.

I don’t remember whether I signed up with Google auth or not. It was years ago. But I did set a password to my account.

and on the page you sighnup if you go on the top it says korean butif you click there you can find your country.

You mean https://connect-pat.lgthinq.com/? No problem with that, I successfully got a token from there.

I presume you’re answering here because LG ThinQ integration works fro you? What country are you using?

For me there is a problem as well. Only one of my airco is working. The other one i can see but does not react.

I am from the netherlands.

For me, I cannot make any requests to ThinQ API, even to list devices. So if one device works for you, it has to be a different problem. And also means that the API works at least for some European users.

I opened a support request at https://smartsolution.developer.lge.com/ (this is yet another crappy LG website where Europeans are 2nd class citizens: it assumes country US. To be able to log in, I had to manually change country code in the login page URL :roll_eyes:)

Is this documented/explained somewhere?

Read it somewhere. I tought it was in de documentation from the smartthinq hacs integration.

After I reported this issue at the official forum https://smartsolution.developer.lge.com/ apparently something was changed and this issue is now fixed.

I created a new PAT token at Personal Access Tokens Publishing and that works successfully.