LG ThinQ Integration Dashboard and Automations

Has anyone made any cards for the new LG ThinQ integration or made any automations (/blueprints)?

I have found that the template card for the hacs lg integration doesn’t work with the new integration for washers and dryers, has someone attempted to adapt it yet?

This is the old template card;

type: custom:mushroom-template-card
primary: Washer
secondary: >-
  {% if is_state("sensor.washer", "on") %}

  Running {{ state_attr("sensor.washer", "current_course") }}

  Currently {{ state_attr("sensor.washer", "run_state") }}

  {{ state_attr("sensor.washer", "initial_time") }} total, {{
  state_attr("sensor.washer", "remain_time") }} to go

  {% else %}


  {% endif %}
icon: mdi:washing-machine
entity: sensor.washer
multiline_secondary: true
icon_color: "{{ \"indigo\" if is_state(\"sensor.washer\", \"on\") else \"\" }}"
  action: more-info
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