LG Tv WebOS Remote Control

I’ve got everything working except that the Amazon Prime icon is not showing up. From doing some research I believe it’s because the icon’s been removed from MDI. I’ve tried to manually upload an image to my local and point it there but can’t seem to get it to work. Does anyone have a fix for this?

The Amazon icon is no longer part of the MDI.
you can install

you can use
instead of: mdi:amazon

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That worked like a charm. Thank you!

I’ve the same problem. Using channel pad my tv switch from Antenna to Satellite. If I use the number input I’ve no problem.Any suggestions?

After installing the latest update, the remote no longer works… anyone have a fix?

what stopped working wake on lan for me. Since the update the only thing it does not do is turn on

For anyone having issues - workaround is using an automation for WakeOnLan. Go to integration and then click on device. Add automation for device. Call Service for Action and then pick WakeOnLan TurnOn device. Everything should then work.

Any idea what i miss here? I did all the step…

I have the same issue … Installed with HACS

Add the mac address


@iNick is the WOL working all the time?

This is how I have configured to switch on the TV but I don’t know why, there are some times that the WOL does not powere on the TV.

I haven’t changed anything and most of the times works like a charm but there are times that the TV keeps powered off.

Here you have my configuration:

host: 192.168.X.XXX
name: LG TV Salon
service: wake_on_lan.send_magic_packet
mac: xx:xx:xx:xx:xx
- livetv
- ‘HDMI 1’

Is there any way to add the Menu/Setting Button.
The one that brings up the quick changes to Picture Mode, Aspect Ratio, Sound Mode, Sound Out, Sleep Timer, Network, All Settings.

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I added this to my Configuration.yaml and it worked for me:


  • platform: wake_on_lan
    mac: ##:##:##:##:##:##

Hi There!
After last update (March 2022) LG Smart TV are integrated natively in HA. Since that i cannot use the remote on HA. Does anybody know how to replace the remote?

So, we can’t turn on TV anymore with the LG Tv Remote Control ?

This is a great project as it works fine.
However, is there a way to start the TV with a default source. The default source I need is an network App, so not a hardware HDMI source.
I can choose the app when the TV has started, but I haven’t found a way to select this source by default.

Thanks for this great card
However I can not change TV channels by using the numeric keypad. Nor can I shift channels up and down using the P program button.
Strangely, there were some apparently random moments when pressing the keypad did change channels, but without me being able to track what made that possible.
Did any of you ran in the same problem, and could give me a hint ?

Thanks very much

webOS TV provides the system keyboard which is automatically displayed on the webOS TV screen if you let your cursor in the text window. The system keyboard is called the virtual keyboard for webOS TV. The virtual keyboard is the primary text input method for the webOSTV app, and you can customize it as the following types.


On Home Assistant 2022.7.5 Supervisor 2022.07.0 Operating System 8.2 Frontend 20220707.1 I have installed webostv as a custom component with an older version/patch and it work that way with remote control.

The new browser-mod upgrade (version 2) breaks things in the LG WebOS Remote Control, especially channel-pad and number-pad. Maybe some others as well. At least so I think, because some functionality is lost and on the other hand, readme states, the browser-mod is needed for this.

Browser-mod states in it’s documentation that it will break everything, and so it seems to be doing… How to correct?

Secondly… Awfully quiet in here… Others must have noticed the same thing? Is this project anymore valid?