Hi Jacek,
i’m not able to get your script working with my 55C6V but the problem seems to come from HA having problem with calling the script from the automation.
I have also another automation+script for input selection that is working fine.
** Automation with alias 'lg_smart_tv_select_picture_mode_eco' could not be validated and has been disabled: extra keys not allowed @ data['action'][0]['picture_mode']. Got 'eco' template value is None for dictionary value @ data['action'][0]['data']. Got None*
Thank you for any help
Eddy, Belgium
PS: The audio script is just there temporarily to “ear” if the script runs…
The script with command and luna, as above, doesn’t work with my 55C6V.
Instead, i just tried with button and it’s ok. Example below. I usually just switch eco and cinema mode, so with a left or right button.
- alias: lg_smart_tv_select_picture_mode_eco
- platform: state
entity_id: input_button.lg_tv_mode_eco
- service: webostv.button
entity_id: media_player.lg_webos_smart_tv
button: MENU
- delay: 0.7
- service: webostv.button
entity_id: media_player.lg_webos_smart_tv
button: DOWN
- delay: 0.9
- service: webostv.button
entity_id: media_player.lg_webos_smart_tv
button: ENTER
- delay: 0.7
- service: webostv.button
entity_id: media_player.lg_webos_smart_tv
button: LEFT
- delay: 0.7
- service: webostv.button
entity_id: media_player.lg_webos_smart_tv
button: BACK
mode: single
Looks like the TV has to be rooted to pass luna commands… ? Has someone a good tuto to root a LG without to much risk… ?
Ok, no way, my 55C6V is on 3.4.2 firmware so i can’t…
I’ve been using this for a while now, and it’s been working really well.
I was wondering, is there an option to ‘get’ the current ‘picture_mode’.
The reason I ask is, I mainly use this to switch the LG C8 to game mode when I’m using the Xbox.
By default it works a treat on the dashboard. However if a game is in HDR or DV, I have to manually change to HDR or DV game mode as well.
My thinking is, if I can monitor the current picture more, I could do something like.
If picture_mode changes & input = xbox
if picture mode like Dolby Vision, call script, set Dolby Vision Game mode (or whatever the command is)
if picture mode like HDR, call script, set dolbyHdrGame
Edit: Looking through the API doc, there’s a batch example that has
Hi. I think it isn’t possible using scripts or available services. Maybe when webostv.command service will be able to return values, so far it doesn’t support this.
Since HA 2023.7 it is possible but i wasn’t implemented so far in webos integration.
Speaking of, is there a way to get info if currently playing content is HDR/DV or not? I’d like to control LED strip on the back of my TV depending on it.
Does anyone know if we can turn on/off the “eye comfort mode” using the integration (without using UP, LEFT, RIGHT etc)? I’ve been searching the web but has not seen any mentionings of it.
After scouring the web to find the right command for the “blue light filter,” I was finally able to get it working on my LG C1 with this script by setting eyeComfortMode
- service: webostv.command
entity_id: media_player.lg_webos_smart_tv
command: system.notifications/createAlert
message: Setting blue light
modal: false
- label: ok
focus: true
buttonType: ok
onClick: luna://com.webos.settingsservice/setSystemSettings
category: picture
eyeComfortMode: on
type: confirm
isSysReq: true
- delay:
milliseconds: 40
- service: webostv.button
entity_id: media_player.lg_webos_smart_tv
button: ENTER
Thanks for posting this @sblatz! This solved a long running problem for me, I’m now able to change to “Game” mode automatically when Android TV Remote integration see’s I’m running SteamLink or Moonlight.
That’s a weird hack to get it to run a luna command by making it part of an onClick event and then sending the click. Nothing even shows up on my screen, it just works!
Script to change TV picture mode based on a variable
alias: Living Room TV Change Picture Mode
- service: webostv.command
entity_id: media_player.living_room_tv_webos
command: system.notifications/createAlert
message: Setting Game Mode
modal: false
- label: ok
focus: true
buttonType: ok
onClick: luna://com.webos.settingsservice/setSystemSettings
category: picture
pictureMode: "{{ pictureMode }}"
type: confirm
isSysReq: true
- delay:
milliseconds: 40
- service: webostv.button
entity_id: media_player.living_room_tv_webos
button: ENTER
mode: single
icon: mdi:gamepad
text: null
name: pictureMode
description: Picture Mode of the TV
required: true
Automation to capture running app_id and run script
- id: Game Mode On
alias: Game mode on
platform: state
entity_id: media_player.shield_android_tv
attribute: app_id
- com.valvesoftware.steamlink
- com.limelight
- service: script.living_room_tv_game_mode
pictureMode: game
I have one that restores “normal/standard” after I’ve exited those:
Automation to change TV to “normal/standard” picture mode
- id: Game Mode Off
alias: Game mode off
platform: state
entity_id: media_player.shield_android_tv
attribute: app_id
- com.valvesoftware.steamlink
- com.limelight
service: script.living_room_tv_game_mode
pictureMode: normal