LG Webos TV Can't Turn On

I’ve gone through pages and pages about this exact same topic and have tried everything but I still cannot get my LG Webos TV to turn ON with HA. Once it is on, I have full control and can turn it off, just no “on”. All 3 settings on the TV are on (wake on lan, etc.). I did get it to turn one ONCE and that was because I restarted HA while the TV was on. What does that indicate? My configuration is as follows:

  name: Living Room TV
    service: wake_on_lan.send_magic_packet
      mac: "MAC:IS:HERE"
      broadcast_address: ""
      broadcast_port: "9"
#    service: persistent_notification.create
#    data:
#      message: "Turn on action"
      - youtube
      - netflix

I do also have the wake_on_lan: further down in the config. TV is on WiFi as there is no Ethernet anywhere in my house. The fact that it worked once tells me it’s possible…

As far as i know, wake on lan on works for wired cables…
The fact that it uses LAN in the name is also a hint…, otherwise it would have been called ‘wake on wifi’

Edit: did some reading, and it looks like we have a new standard, called ‘WoWLAN’, but i don’t think it is widely used (yet)….

Thanks for the input. The option in my TV settings very explicitly says “Turn on via Wi-Fi” under the “Mobile TV On” setting. It only works for me if I turn reboot HA while the TV is on. Then I can turn it off and on his wifi