Is anyone using this integration to simply turn a TV on or off?
I tried following the examples in the documentation, but turn_on goes through wake_on_lan
, but I have no service named wake_on_lan
Is anyone using this integration to simply turn a TV on or off?
I tried following the examples in the documentation, but turn_on goes through wake_on_lan
, but I have no service named wake_on_lan
Add to your configuration.yaml a line: wake_on_lan:
and restart HA.
Thanks, I missed that…
It is not working, but it occurred to me that when the television is off, the MAC and IP don’t exist on the network.
Using it for exactly that, and it has worked very reliably from day 1. Is your TV connected by WiFi or ethernet? If possible, connect it via ethernet.
there should also be a power mode somewhere, if in low power mode wol might not work😉
Look for the setting on your Tv which says “Turn On with Mobile” and turn that on.
Done, the TV calls it “Standby” when “off”.
Done. I can turn the TV on or off from my phone, so it is conected to my local network.
Let me back up to explain what I am trying to do.
I currently am using Alexa in Node Red. When I tell Alexa to turn on (or off) the television, Node Red receives “TurnOnRequested” or “TurnOffRequested” from Alexa. If “TurnOnRequested” was sent, I look at the current status of the television. If it’s ON, the flow ends. If it’s “OFF”, then a Home Assistant Call Service node tells a Broadlink RM3 to send the IR code for the power button.
The status of the television:
In Home Assistant I have a binary sensor that is a ping of the television IP address. Once a second I ping the television IP. If it fails, the Television is off. If the ping returns a, “OK”, then the television is on.
I am looking for a more reliable way to turn the television on or off.
I use the LG WebOS integration to turn it off (can also be on, but I did not configure WOL) and detect whatever I need it to detect)
I use LoveLace card LG-WebOS-Remote-Control to control my TV, including on (this uses WOL), mainly when I lost my remote (again)
Since I don’t have an antenna cable anymore (all channels use an app), I found it quite annoying that the TV starts always with a channel. So, whenever I change app, it updates a text-helper, and whenever I turn it on it will switch to the last used app.
Edit… finally bothered to incorporate the common WOL for LGWebOS…it also works (not that I’ll ever use it )
How? There is no turn_off action. I can turn it on through an automation:
alias: "Turn On Living Room TV with WakeOnLan"
- platform: webostv.turn_on
entity_id: media_player.lg_webos_tv_lk5700pua
condition: []
- service: wake_on_lan.send_magic_packet
mac: 78:5D:C8:D6:53:64
I can turn it on or off using the LG-WebOS-Remote-Control. I just can’t figure out how to turn it off.
Yes ofc there is a turn_off action; just add the LG integration and you will have it available under the media player:
service: media_player.turn_off
data: {}
entity_id: media_player.living_room_tv
or gui
Thanks. Works fine:
alias: Turn off Living Room TV
description: ""
trigger: []
condition: []
- service: media_player.turn_off
data: {}
entity_id: media_player.lg_webos_tv_lk5700pua
mode: single