Wasn’t sure where else to post this, but wanted to share the config I’ve put together for a tongou rail switch as it took me quite a while to get right. Hope it helps someone.
Thank you for the code, this is what I needed, but there are no energy monitoring sensors in your code. I have added power consumption monitoring sensors
Code for switch and power consumption monitoring AT-Q-SY1-JWT
###################################### Variables ####################################
name: at-switch-with-energy-meter
board: cbu
################################# Basic configuration ###############################
name: $name
friendly_name: $name
comment: AT Switch with energy meter AT-Q-SY1-JWT
#CBU Wi-Fi Module https://docs.libretiny.eu/boards/cbu/
board: cbu
#Beken chips, unlike ESP, do not have an RTC memory for storing data. The settings are saved in flash memory every 10 minutes, not every time you change. If you need to shorten the time, then use the code below
flash_write_interval: 1min
################################## WiFi and hotspot #################################
#WiFi credentials to connect the card to your home network
ssid: !secret wifi_ssid
password: !secret wifi_password
fast_connect: off
reboot_timeout: 5min
#If there is no connection to WiFi, the access point will rise
ssid: ESP DINSwitchAtQs
password: !secret ap_esp_password
ap_timeout: 1 min
#The mdns component causes a host to advertise itself on the local network using the multicast DNS (mDNS) protocol, the default for mDNS is disabled: false
disabled: false
#The captive portal component in ESPHome is a backup mechanism in case the connection to the configured WiFi fails
#Web server
port: 80
level: ERROR
baud_rate: 0
#Enable API for Home Assistant
#Over-the-air (OTA) update
password: "esphome"
#We use components bl0942 from Brokly https://github.com/Brokly/bl0942
#Reason, read here
#The changes to the component consist of first checking the presence of all data and then processing it. In this case, the checksum and header are checked during the #data collection process
#Sensor updates, although performed using loop(), take several cycles. Automatic search for caches in the data stream has been made
#The corrected component completely eliminates all problems and works with any processor
#The differences in versions are not caused by the processing of received uart data, but by different delays between update() and next loop()
- source:
type: local
path: components
components: [bl0942]
######################################### UART ######################################
tx_pin: TX1
rx_pin: RX1
id: idUartBus
baud_rate: 4800
stop_bits: 1
data_bits: 8
############################### Output platform #####################################
- id: idLedOutput
platform: gpio
number: P15
inverted: true
output: true
##################################### Switch ########################################
- platform: template
name: Switch
id: idSwitch
icon: mdi:light-switch
- switch.turn_on: idONRelay
- switch.turn_on: idOFFRelay
optimistic: true
internal: false #Hide - true \show - false
restore_mode: RESTORE_DEFAULT_ON
- platform: gpio
number: P24
inverted: true
id: idOFFRelay
name: "OFF Relay"
restore_mode: ALWAYS_OFF
internal: True #Hide - true \show - false
interlock: [idONRelay]
- light.turn_off: idLed
- binary_sensor.template.publish:
id: idSwitchState
state: OFF
- delay: 100ms
- switch.turn_off: idOFFRelay
- platform: gpio
number: P26
inverted: true
id: idONRelay
name: "ON Relay"
restore_mode: ALWAYS_OFF
internal: True #Hide - true \show - false
interlock: [idOFFRelay]
- light.turn_on: idLed
- binary_sensor.template.publish:
id: idSwitchState
state: ON
- delay: 100ms
- switch.turn_off: idONRelay
################################### Light ###########################################
- platform: binary
name: "LED"
id: idLed
output: idLedOutput
internal: true #Hide - true \show - false
################################## Sensor ###########################################
#WiFi signal strength
- platform: wifi_signal
name: "RSSI WiFi"
icon: mdi:wifi
update_interval: 60s
- platform: uptime
name: "Uptime"
id: idUptime
icon: mdi:clock-start
entity_category: diagnostic
update_interval: 60s
#Free memory
- platform: template
name: "Free Mem Size"
icon: mdi:memory
entity_category: diagnostic
lambda: |-
size_t freeValue = heap_caps_get_free_size(MALLOC_CAP_DEFAULT);
size_t freeValue = ESP.getFreeHeap();
return freeValue;
#Energy monitoring. Chip BL0942
- platform: bl0942
uart_id: idUartBus
name: "Voltage"
icon: mdi:sine-wave
name: "Current"
icon: mdi:current-ac
name: "Power"
icon: mdi:flash
multiply: -1
name: "Energy"
icon: mdi:lightning-bolt
accuracy_decimals: 10
name: "Frequency"
icon: mdi:pulse
accuracy_decimals: 2
update_interval: 10s
##################################### Text sensor ###################################
#IP sensor
- platform: wifi_info
name: IP
icon: mdi:ip-network
#ESPHome Version
- platform: version
name: "ESPHome Version"
hide_timestamp: true
- platform: template
name: "Time"
icon: mdi:clock-digital
id: idTime
update_interval: 10s
lambda: |-
auto time_text = id(homeassistant_time).now().strftime("%H:%M:%S / %d-%m-%Y");
return { time_text };
################################### Binary sensor ###################################
- platform: gpio
number: P17
inverted: true
input: true
name: "Button"
icon: mdi:flash
id: idHardButton
switch.toggle: idSwitch
internal: true
- platform: template
name: Switch State
icon: mdi:light-switch
id: idSwitchState
####################################### Button ######################################
- platform: restart
name: "Restart"
icon: mdi:restart
####################################### Time ########################################
- platform: homeassistant
id: homeassistant_time
Only issue I have is that the device switches off when it comes back online after a power outage. I’ve been playing with the restore_mode option in the off_relay part, but this seems to have no effect. It just always switches of when the power returns.
I would like to be able to have it not flip the relay when it powers on and keep the position it had when it powered down.
Read below about flash_write_interval here and here.
As they say that by default liberty changes are recorded in flash memory and recorded no more than once every 10 minutes. ESPHome has 1 minute in the component. Read here.. All changes are recorded in flash memory after 10 minutes. Let’s say you turned on the switch and without waiting 10 minutes, took and de-energized the switch, then when the voltage is applied, the switch will not turn on and will be turned off.
I can’t say whether it will be saved to flash memory if you don’t specify flash_write_interval in the code, but I can say that I myself encountered this and I didn’t recover the last state after power supply. Restore_mode didn’t work for me. When I added flash_write_interval: 1min to the code, restore_mode worked.
Adding to the code
flash_write_interval: 1min
Add restore_mode: RESTORE_DEFAULT_ON to the switch code, then turn on the switch and wait for a minute or more, but not less, then de-energize the switch and supply power, the switch will turn on
Still doesn’t work for me with that config, keeps turning off on boot. Doesn’t matter what restore_mode combinations I use. If I understand correctly the flash write interval shouldn’t even matter when I either use restore_mode: DISABLE or restore_mode: ALWAYS_ON ?
You misunderstand. restore_mode: ALWAYS_ON or restore_mode: RESTORE_DEFAULT_ON only works if there is a saved state in RTC memory or in flash memory. The ESP12-F does not have RST memory on board, and the ESP32 has RTC memory, so there is no need to specify flush_write_interval: 1 min
How will the state be restored if it is not written to memory? Therefore, for esp8266 wemos mini and ESP12-F is used in the flash_write_interval: 1 min code to write the last state to flash memory and restore it after de-energization
You don’t need to use restore_mode: ALWAYS_ON, use restore_mode: RESTORE_DEFAULT_ON instead. They have a difference.
restore_mode: ALWAYS_ON - always turn on after power supply, even if you turned off restore_mode: RESTORE_DEFAULT_ON - restore the last state. If the switch was turned off before de-energizing, then after the voltage is applied, the switch will not turn on, if the switch was turned on before de-energizing, then after the voltage is applied, the switch will turn on
Add flash_write_interval: 1min to the code, then fill in the code,then turn on the switch and wait 2 minutes, then de-energize the switch, wait for all entities to become unavailable in Home Assistant, then turn on and your switch will turn on
I was changing the restore_mode setting on the wrong part of the switch ==> for the off_relay and on_relay. Changed those back to ALWAYS_OFF and added restore_mode: RESTORE_DEFAULT_ON to the template part. Great succes!
I flashed the Tongou Rail Switch with OpenBeken, which seems to be some version of Tasmota. I used a serial connection, Tuya-Cloudcutter didn’t work.
So far so good.
Now I would like to flash your ESPHOME code on the device.
To do that I created a uf2 file and flashed it with ltchiptool. Flashing seems to be succesful. No errors. However, when I visit the ip address of the device I see Tasmota is still running on the device, nothing’s changed!