License Plate Recognition API with

ALPR Cloud offer 1000 credits per month, but offer 2500 image recognitions per month for free.

I like this, I could use it to keep track of if my boss is on site or not…


There are also some bluetooth solutions for that :slight_smile:

This is getting my vote for sure!

Just stumbled across this, gets my vote also.

This feature is now implemented on my custom integration for Sighthound


Just saw this now, thanks!! I wanted sighthound back when I had smartthings and am glad I can set this up now that I have switched to HA

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Does this mean you’re using [ ] for the plate recognition? or Sight Hound?

I’ve tried the Signhound api and it won’t recognize images w/ license plates.

Here was my test image saved by sighthound:

I knows it’s a car, but the plate isn’t recognized.

plate gets it right away as you can see when I upload the same image. Is the an integration for that???

Also, plate is MUCH better at plates than SightHound… it nailed it perfectly.

Sighthound messed this up completely. I mean, it wasn’t even CLOSE - only 2 of 7 digits were correct. This is apples to apples comparison. the same pic was used on both sites.

Do how do we get integration w/ HOME ASSISTANT ?

I created a bare bones custom integration:


Wow. ok, I’m on it. I’ll test today and see what happens.

Mark, You rock.


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works great. Now I just have to find a flow to make sure only to check for plates when needed, and not to exceed 2500 :slight_smile:


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On the ball man this is amazing!!

Based on others feedback I’ll give this a go instead!

Maybe you could add an attribute containing number of calls made this period?

You can get this information from:

Please add a feature request on the repo.

Note this integration does not scan on a time interval, you need to call the scan service

Works great w/ local file camera. I’ll put it into use today w/ live cams. I see there’s no save file function. Is this a limitation of the service, or your quick and dirty integration?

  - platform: platerecognizer
    api_token: !secret platerecognizerapi
#    save_file_folder: /config/www/platerecognizer
#    save_timestamped_file: True
      - entity_id: camera.licenseplatetest
        name: plagerecognizer

Yeah I just hacked one of my other integrations

So, the event isn’t firing on recognition. After I trigger it from an automation, I get:

the plate is there (in Lower case, not sure about implications of that yet) and I can fire the event manually, but triggering it from an automation, I don’t see the event, even though the plate is recognized.

you will see it is currently commented out - didnt have time to test if before work

You should probably have the mods move this thread. It’s not really a “feature request” any more if it’s working! This does look really neat though. I’ve been waiting until I get off the RPi3 to start playing around with object detection but I’ve been following your work on the HASS-amazon-rekognition git in anticipation. Awesome stuff sir!

My case use for this btw, is to open the garage door, unlock the doors, and turn off the alarm when it recognizes our plates (and our phone has just arrived home). Looking forward to that day! Thanks for your work on this.

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