Lidl (Silvercrest) ZHA crashed after update core 2024.5.0

After update to core 2024.4.5 ZHA with LIDL crashed, no way to get it back online! Did a restore back up.
Do others have this problem too?

1 Like

I don’t think there was a core 2024.4.5 release.

Sorry it is core 2024.5.0 latest core that broke my ZHA

Log here, I did delete my whole network, hooray, all entities gone all automations useless for ZHA, I am so happy, all errors I got are due to Async being changed, my SMA converter has gone ASYNC error and now ZHA!

Here is the log:

2024-05-02 01:56:21.789 DEBUG (MainThread) [zigpy.serial] Opening a serial connection to ‘socket://’ (115200 baudrate)
2024-05-02 01:56:22.795 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.ezsp] Resetting EZSP
2024-05-02 01:56:22.796 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.uart] Resetting ASH
2024-05-02 01:56:22.796 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.uart] Sending: b’1ac038bc7e’
2024-05-02 01:56:23.879 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.uart] RSTACK Version: 2 Reason: RESET_SOFTWARE frame: b’c1020b0a527e’
2024-05-02 01:56:23.879 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.ezsp] Switching to EZSP protocol version 4
2024-05-02 01:56:23.880 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.ezsp.protocol] Send command version: (4,)
2024-05-02 01:56:23.880 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.uart] Sending: b’004221a850ed2c7e’
2024-05-02 01:56:23.928 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.uart] Data frame: b’0142a1a8532815d7c1bf7e’
2024-05-02 01:56:23.928 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.uart] Sending: b’8160597e’
2024-05-02 01:56:23.928 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.ezsp.protocol] Application frame received version: [7, 2, 25856]
2024-05-02 01:56:23.930 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.uart] Adjusting ACK timeout from 1.60 to 1.43
2024-05-02 01:56:23.931 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.ezsp] Switching to EZSP protocol version 7
2024-05-02 01:56:23.931 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.ezsp.protocol] Send command version: (7,)
2024-05-02 01:56:23.932 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.uart] Sending: b’7d31422157542a1240277e’
2024-05-02 01:56:23.980 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.uart] Data frame: b’1242a157542a12b059f17b747e’
2024-05-02 01:56:23.980 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.uart] Sending: b’82503a7e’
2024-05-02 01:56:23.981 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.ezsp.protocol] Application frame received version: [7, 2, 25856]
2024-05-02 01:56:23.982 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.uart] Adjusting ACK timeout from 1.43 to 1.27
2024-05-02 01:56:23.982 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.ezsp] EZSP Stack Type: 2, Stack Version: 6500, Protocol version: 7
2024-05-02 01:56:23.983 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.ezsp.protocol] Send command getValue: (<EzspValueId.VALUE_FORCE_TX_AFTER_FAILED_CCA_ATTEMPTS: 58>,)
2024-05-02 01:56:23.984 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.uart] Sending: b’2243215754802f91c37e’
2024-05-02 01:56:24.032 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.uart] Data frame: b’2343a157548022b232ae7e’
2024-05-02 01:56:24.032 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.uart] Sending: b’83401b7e’
2024-05-02 01:56:24.033 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.ezsp.protocol] Application frame received getValue: [<EzspStatus.ERROR_INVALID_ID: 55>, b’‘]
2024-05-02 01:56:24.034 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.uart] Adjusting ACK timeout from 1.27 to 1.14
2024-05-02 01:56:24.035 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.ezsp] Setting value VALUE_FORCE_TX_AFTER_FAILED_CCA_ATTEMPTS = 1 (old value None)
2024-05-02 01:56:24.035 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.ezsp.protocol] Send command setValue: (<EzspValueId.VALUE_FORCE_TX_AFTER_FAILED_CCA_ATTEMPTS: 58>, b’\x01’)
2024-05-02 01:56:24.036 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.uart] Sending: b’3340215754812fb358544a7e’
2024-05-02 01:56:24.086 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.uart] Data frame: b’3440a15754812209317e’
2024-05-02 01:56:24.086 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.uart] Sending: b’8430fc7e’
2024-05-02 01:56:24.088 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.ezsp.protocol] Application frame received setValue: [<EzspStatus.ERROR_INVALID_ID: 55>]
2024-05-02 01:56:24.089 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.uart] Adjusting ACK timeout from 1.14 to 1.02
2024-05-02 01:56:24.089 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.ezsp] Could not set value VALUE_FORCE_TX_AFTER_FAILED_CCA_ATTEMPTS = 1: EzspStatus.ERROR_INVALID_ID
2024-05-02 01:56:24.089 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.ezsp.protocol] Send command getConfigurationValue: (<EzspConfigId.CONFIG_SOURCE_ROUTE_TABLE_SIZE: 26>,)
2024-05-02 01:56:24.091 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.uart] Sending: b’4441215754780fb6b67e’
2024-05-02 01:56:24.140 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.uart] Data frame: b’4541a1575478157a599b807e’
2024-05-02 01:56:24.140 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.uart] Sending: b’8520dd7e’
2024-05-02 01:56:24.141 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.ezsp.protocol] Application frame received getConfigurationValue: [<EzspStatus.SUCCESS: 0>, 200]
2024-05-02 01:56:24.143 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.uart] Adjusting ACK timeout from 1.02 to 0.92
2024-05-02 01:56:24.143 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.ezsp] Current config CONFIG_SOURCE_ROUTE_TABLE_SIZE = 200 exceeds the default of 200, skipping
2024-05-02 01:56:24.143 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.ezsp.protocol] Send command getConfigurationValue: (<EzspConfigId.CONFIG_END_DEVICE_POLL_TIMEOUT: 19>,)
2024-05-02 01:56:24.144 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.uart] Sending: b’5546215754780660c47e’
2024-05-02 01:56:24.192 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.uart] Data frame: b’5646a157547815ba5934767e’
2024-05-02 01:56:24.192 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.uart] Sending: b’8610be7e’
2024-05-02 01:56:24.193 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.ezsp.protocol] Application frame received getConfigurationValue: [<EzspStatus.SUCCESS: 0>, 8]
2024-05-02 01:56:24.196 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.uart] Adjusting ACK timeout from 0.92 to 0.83
2024-05-02 01:56:24.197 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.ezsp] Setting config CONFIG_END_DEVICE_POLL_TIMEOUT = 8 (old value 8)
2024-05-02 01:56:24.197 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.ezsp.protocol] Send command setConfigurationValue: (<EzspConfigId.CONFIG_END_DEVICE_POLL_TIMEOUT: 19>, 8)
2024-05-02 01:56:24.199 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.uart] Sending: b’66472157547906ba5940d97e’
2024-05-02 01:56:24.282 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.uart] Data frame: b’6747a1575479152fb97e’
2024-05-02 01:56:24.282 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.uart] Sending: b’87009f7e’
2024-05-02 01:56:24.283 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.ezsp.protocol] Application frame received setConfigurationValue: [<EzspStatus.SUCCESS: 0>]
2024-05-02 01:56:24.302 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.uart] Adjusting ACK timeout from 0.83 to 0.78
2024-05-02 01:56:24.303 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.ezsp.protocol] Send command getConfigurationValue: (<EzspConfigId.CONFIG_TC_REJOINS_USING_WELL_KNOWN_KEY_TIMEOUT_S: 56>,)
2024-05-02 01:56:24.311 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.uart] Sending: b’7744215754782d70987e’
2024-05-02 01:56:24.401 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.uart] Data frame: b’7044a1575478159e589ca77e’
2024-05-02 01:56:24.401 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.uart] Sending: b’8070787e’
2024-05-02 01:56:24.402 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.ezsp.protocol] Application frame received getConfigurationValue: [<EzspStatus.SUCCESS: 0>, 300]
2024-05-02 01:56:24.412 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.uart] Adjusting ACK timeout from 0.78 to 0.73
2024-05-02 01:56:24.412 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.ezsp] Setting config CONFIG_TC_REJOINS_USING_WELL_KNOWN_KEY_TIMEOUT_S = 90 (old value 300)
2024-05-02 01:56:24.412 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.ezsp.protocol] Send command setConfigurationValue: (<EzspConfigId.CONFIG_TC_REJOINS_USING_WELL_KNOWN_KEY_TIMEOUT_S: 56>, 90)
2024-05-02 01:56:24.413 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.uart] Sending: b’0045215754792de85973387e’
2024-05-02 01:56:24.420 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.uart] Data frame: b’0145a157547915b6c67e’
2024-05-02 01:56:24.421 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.uart] Sending: b’8160597e’
2024-05-02 01:56:24.421 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.ezsp.protocol] Application frame received setConfigurationValue: [<EzspStatus.SUCCESS: 0>]
2024-05-02 01:56:24.421 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.uart] Adjusting ACK timeout from 0.73 to 0.64
2024-05-02 01:56:24.421 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.ezsp.protocol] Send command getConfigurationValue: (<EzspConfigId.CONFIG_INDIRECT_TRANSMISSION_TIMEOUT: 18>,)
2024-05-02 01:56:24.422 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.uart] Sending: b’7d314a2157547807672c7e’
2024-05-02 01:56:24.468 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.uart] Data frame: b’124aa1575478150a5249917e’
2024-05-02 01:56:24.469 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.uart] Sending: b’82503a7e’
2024-05-02 01:56:24.470 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.ezsp.protocol] Application frame received getConfigurationValue: [<EzspStatus.SUCCESS: 0>, 3000]
2024-05-02 01:56:24.471 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.uart] Adjusting ACK timeout from 0.64 to 0.59
2024-05-02 01:56:24.472 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.ezsp] Setting config CONFIG_INDIRECT_TRANSMISSION_TIMEOUT = 7680 (old value 3000)
2024-05-02 01:56:24.472 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.ezsp.protocol] Send command setConfigurationValue: (<EzspConfigId.CONFIG_INDIRECT_TRANSMISSION_TIMEOUT: 18>, 7680)
2024-05-02 01:56:24.473 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.uart] Sending: b’224b2157547907b247df3e7e’
2024-05-02 01:56:24.520 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.uart] Data frame: b’234ba15754791538707e’
2024-05-02 01:56:24.520 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.uart] Sending: b’83401b7e’
2024-05-02 01:56:24.523 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.ezsp.protocol] Application frame received setConfigurationValue: [<EzspStatus.SUCCESS: 0>]
2024-05-02 01:56:24.523 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.uart] Adjusting ACK timeout from 0.59 to 0.54
2024-05-02 01:56:24.524 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.ezsp.protocol] Send command getConfigurationValue: (<EzspConfigId.CONFIG_STACK_PROFILE: 12>,)
2024-05-02 01:56:24.524 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.uart] Sending: b’334821575478197d31867e’
2024-05-02 01:56:24.572 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.uart] Data frame: b’3448a157547815b2591d8c7e’
2024-05-02 01:56:24.572 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.uart] Sending: b’8430fc7e’
2024-05-02 01:56:24.573 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.ezsp.protocol] Application frame received getConfigurationValue: [<EzspStatus.SUCCESS: 0>, 0]
2024-05-02 01:56:24.574 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.uart] Adjusting ACK timeout from 0.54 to 0.50
2024-05-02 01:56:24.574 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.ezsp] Setting config CONFIG_STACK_PROFILE = 2 (old value 0)
2024-05-02 01:56:24.574 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.ezsp.protocol] Send command setConfigurationValue: (<EzspConfigId.CONFIG_STACK_PROFILE: 12>, 2)
2024-05-02 01:56:24.576 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.uart] Sending: b’44492157547919b0593fca7e’
2024-05-02 01:56:24.624 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.uart] Data frame: b’4549a157547915a10f7e’
2024-05-02 01:56:24.624 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.uart] Sending: b’8520dd7e’
2024-05-02 01:56:24.627 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.ezsp.protocol] Application frame received setConfigurationValue: [<EzspStatus.SUCCESS: 0>]
2024-05-02 01:56:24.629 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.uart] Adjusting ACK timeout from 0.50 to 0.46
2024-05-02 01:56:24.630 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.ezsp.protocol] Send command getConfigurationValue: (<EzspConfigId.CONFIG_SUPPORTED_NETWORKS: 45>,)
2024-05-02 01:56:24.637 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.uart] Sending: b’554e2157547838ba1b7e’
2024-05-02 01:56:24.684 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.uart] Data frame: b’564ea157547815b35990347e’
2024-05-02 01:56:24.684 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.uart] Sending: b’8610be7e’
2024-05-02 01:56:24.686 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.ezsp.protocol] Application frame received getConfigurationValue: [<EzspStatus.SUCCESS: 0>, 1]
2024-05-02 01:56:24.687 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.uart] Adjusting ACK timeout from 0.46 to 0.43
2024-05-02 01:56:24.688 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.ezsp] Current config CONFIG_SUPPORTED_NETWORKS = 1 exceeds the default of 1, skipping
2024-05-02 01:56:24.688 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.ezsp.protocol] Send command getConfigurationValue: (<EzspConfigId.CONFIG_MULTICAST_TABLE_SIZE: 6>,)
2024-05-02 01:56:24.689 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.uart] Sending: b’664f215754787d33ebbd7e’
2024-05-02 01:56:24.736 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.uart] Data frame: b’674fa157547815ba59725e7e’
2024-05-02 01:56:24.736 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.uart] Sending: b’87009f7e’
2024-05-02 01:56:24.738 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.ezsp.protocol] Application frame received getConfigurationValue: [<EzspStatus.SUCCESS: 0>, 8]
2024-05-02 01:56:24.739 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.uart] Adjusting ACK timeout from 0.43 to 0.40
2024-05-02 01:56:24.739 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.ezsp] Setting config CONFIG_MULTICAST_TABLE_SIZE = 16 (old value 8)
2024-05-02 01:56:24.739 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.ezsp.protocol] Send command setConfigurationValue: (<EzspConfigId.CONFIG_MULTICAST_TABLE_SIZE: 6>, 16)
2024-05-02 01:56:24.740 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.uart] Sending: b’774c215754797d33a2590ce27e’
2024-05-02 01:56:24.792 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.uart] Data frame: b’704ca157547915c2247e’
2024-05-02 01:56:24.792 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.uart] Sending: b’8070787e’
2024-05-02 01:56:24.794 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.ezsp.protocol] Application frame received setConfigurationValue: [<EzspStatus.SUCCESS: 0>]
2024-05-02 01:56:24.795 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.ezsp.protocol] Send command getConfigurationValue: (<EzspConfigId.CONFIG_TRUST_CENTER_ADDRESS_CACHE_SIZE: 25>,)
2024-05-02 01:56:24.796 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.uart] Sending: b’004d215754780c911c7e’
2024-05-02 01:56:24.894 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.uart] Data frame: b’014da157547815b259d6fc7e’
2024-05-02 01:56:24.895 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.uart] Sending: b’8160597e’
2024-05-02 01:56:24.895 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.ezsp.protocol] Application frame received getConfigurationValue: [<EzspStatus.SUCCESS: 0>, 0]
2024-05-02 01:56:24.896 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.ezsp] Setting config CONFIG_TRUST_CENTER_ADDRESS_CACHE_SIZE = 2 (old value 0)
2024-05-02 01:56:24.896 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.ezsp.protocol] Send command setConfigurationValue: (<EzspConfigId.CONFIG_TRUST_CENTER_ADDRESS_CACHE_SIZE: 25>, 2)
2024-05-02 01:56:24.897 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.uart] Sending: b’7d3152215754790cb05907a97e’
2024-05-02 01:56:24.947 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.uart] Data frame: b’1252a1575479158bfa7e’
2024-05-02 01:56:24.948 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.uart] Sending: b’82503a7e’
2024-05-02 01:56:24.948 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.ezsp.protocol] Application frame received setConfigurationValue: [<EzspStatus.SUCCESS: 0>]
2024-05-02 01:56:24.948 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.ezsp.protocol] Send command getConfigurationValue: (<EzspConfigId.CONFIG_SECURITY_LEVEL: 13>,)
2024-05-02 01:56:24.949 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.uart] Sending: b’2253215754787d38579b7e’
2024-05-02 01:56:24.996 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.uart] Data frame: b’2353a157547815b759eb377e’
2024-05-02 01:56:24.996 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.uart] Sending: b’83401b7e’
2024-05-02 01:56:24.997 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.ezsp.protocol] Application frame received getConfigurationValue: [<EzspStatus.SUCCESS: 0>, 5]
2024-05-02 01:56:24.998 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.ezsp] Setting config CONFIG_SECURITY_LEVEL = 5 (old value 5)
2024-05-02 01:56:24.998 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.ezsp.protocol] Send command setConfigurationValue: (<EzspConfigId.CONFIG_SECURITY_LEVEL: 13>, 5)
2024-05-02 01:56:24.999 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.uart] Sending: b’3350215754797d38b759efa07e’
2024-05-02 01:56:25.048 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.uart] Data frame: b’3450a157547915cf697e’
2024-05-02 01:56:25.048 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.uart] Sending: b’8430fc7e’
2024-05-02 01:56:25.050 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.ezsp.protocol] Application frame received setConfigurationValue: [<EzspStatus.SUCCESS: 0>]
2024-05-02 01:56:25.051 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.ezsp.protocol] Send command getConfigurationValue: (<EzspConfigId.CONFIG_ADDRESS_TABLE_SIZE: 5>,)
2024-05-02 01:56:25.051 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.uart] Sending: b’445121575478104fec7e’
2024-05-02 01:56:25.100 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.uart] Data frame: b’4551a157547815ba59b0607e’
2024-05-02 01:56:25.100 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.uart] Sending: b’8520dd7e’
2024-05-02 01:56:25.102 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.ezsp.protocol] Application frame received getConfigurationValue: [<EzspStatus.SUCCESS: 0>, 8]
2024-05-02 01:56:25.103 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.ezsp] Setting config CONFIG_ADDRESS_TABLE_SIZE = 16 (old value 8)
2024-05-02 01:56:25.103 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.ezsp.protocol] Send command setConfigurationValue: (<EzspConfigId.CONFIG_ADDRESS_TABLE_SIZE: 5>, 16)
2024-05-02 01:56:25.104 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.uart] Sending: b’55562157547910a25998e17e’
2024-05-02 01:56:25.156 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.uart] Data frame: b’5656a15754791591717e’
2024-05-02 01:56:25.156 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.uart] Sending: b’8610be7e’
2024-05-02 01:56:25.157 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.ezsp.protocol] Application frame received setConfigurationValue: [<EzspStatus.SUCCESS: 0>]
2024-05-02 01:56:25.158 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.ezsp.protocol] Send command getConfigurationValue: (<EzspConfigId.CONFIG_PAN_ID_CONFLICT_REPORT_THRESHOLD: 34>,)
2024-05-02 01:56:25.159 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.uart] Sending: b’66572157547837989d7e’
2024-05-02 01:56:25.208 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.uart] Data frame: b’6757a157547815b059befb7e’
2024-05-02 01:56:25.208 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.uart] Sending: b’87009f7e’
2024-05-02 01:56:25.209 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.ezsp.protocol] Application frame received getConfigurationValue: [<EzspStatus.SUCCESS: 0>, 2]
2024-05-02 01:56:25.210 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.ezsp] Setting config CONFIG_PAN_ID_CONFLICT_REPORT_THRESHOLD = 2 (old value 2)
2024-05-02 01:56:25.210 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.ezsp.protocol] Send command setConfigurationValue: (<EzspConfigId.CONFIG_PAN_ID_CONFLICT_REPORT_THRESHOLD: 34>, 2)
2024-05-02 01:56:25.211 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.uart] Sending: b’77542157547937b059109b7e’
2024-05-02 01:56:25.260 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.uart] Data frame: b’7054a157547915d5e27e’
2024-05-02 01:56:25.260 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.uart] Sending: b’8070787e’
2024-05-02 01:56:25.262 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.ezsp.protocol] Application frame received setConfigurationValue: [<EzspStatus.SUCCESS: 0>]
2024-05-02 01:56:25.263 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.ezsp.protocol] Send command getConfigurationValue: (<EzspConfigId.CONFIG_KEY_TABLE_SIZE: 30>,)
2024-05-02 01:56:25.264 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.uart] Sending: b’0055215754780bf63d7e’
2024-05-02 01:56:25.311 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.uart] Data frame: b’0155a157547815be59b0ff7e’
2024-05-02 01:56:25.312 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.uart] Sending: b’8160597e’
2024-05-02 01:56:25.313 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.ezsp.protocol] Application frame received getConfigurationValue: [<EzspStatus.SUCCESS: 0>, 12]
2024-05-02 01:56:25.313 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.ezsp] Setting config CONFIG_KEY_TABLE_SIZE = 12 (old value 12)
2024-05-02 01:56:25.314 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.ezsp.protocol] Send command setConfigurationValue: (<EzspConfigId.CONFIG_KEY_TABLE_SIZE: 30>, 12)
2024-05-02 01:56:25.314 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.uart] Sending: b’7d315a215754790bbe59bfec7e’
2024-05-02 01:56:25.368 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.uart] Data frame: b’125aa15754791586b87e’
2024-05-02 01:56:25.368 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.uart] Sending: b’82503a7e’
2024-05-02 01:56:25.369 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.ezsp.protocol] Application frame received setConfigurationValue: [<EzspStatus.SUCCESS: 0>]
2024-05-02 01:56:25.370 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.ezsp.protocol] Send command getConfigurationValue: (<EzspConfigId.CONFIG_MAX_END_DEVICE_CHILDREN: 17>,)
2024-05-02 01:56:25.371 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.uart] Sending: b’225b215754780489647e’
2024-05-02 01:56:25.420 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.uart] Data frame: b’235ba15754781592590cfe7e’
2024-05-02 01:56:25.420 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.uart] Sending: b’83401b7e’
2024-05-02 01:56:25.422 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.ezsp.protocol] Application frame received getConfigurationValue: [<EzspStatus.SUCCESS: 0>, 32]
2024-05-02 01:56:25.423 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.ezsp] Current config CONFIG_MAX_END_DEVICE_CHILDREN = 32 exceeds the default of 32, skipping
2024-05-02 01:56:25.424 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.ezsp.protocol] Send command getConfigurationValue: (<EzspConfigId.CONFIG_APPLICATION_ZDO_FLAGS: 42>,)
2024-05-02 01:56:25.425 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.uart] Sending: b’3358215754783f4fa67e’
2024-05-02 01:56:25.472 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.uart] Data frame: b’3458a157547815b25920387e’
2024-05-02 01:56:25.472 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.uart] Sending: b’8430fc7e’
2024-05-02 01:56:25.474 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.ezsp.protocol] Application frame received getConfigurationValue: [<EzspStatus.SUCCESS: 0>, 0]
2024-05-02 01:56:25.475 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.ezsp] Setting config CONFIG_APPLICATION_ZDO_FLAGS = 3 (old value 0)
2024-05-02 01:56:25.475 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.ezsp.protocol] Send command setConfigurationValue: (<EzspConfigId.CONFIG_APPLICATION_ZDO_FLAGS: 42>, <EmberZdoConfigurationFlags.APP_RECEIVES_SUPPORTED_ZDO_REQUESTS|APP_HANDLES_UNSUPPORTED_ZDO_REQUESTS: 3>)
2024-05-02 01:56:25.476 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.uart] Sending: b’4459215754793fb15905297e’
2024-05-02 01:56:25.524 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.uart] Data frame: b’4559a157547915bb8b7e’
2024-05-02 01:56:25.524 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.uart] Sending: b’8520dd7e’
2024-05-02 01:56:25.526 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.ezsp.protocol] Application frame received setConfigurationValue: [<EzspStatus.SUCCESS: 0>]
2024-05-02 01:56:25.527 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.ezsp.protocol] Send command getConfigurationValue: (<EzspConfigId.CONFIG_PACKET_BUFFER_COUNT: 1>,)
2024-05-02 01:56:25.528 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.uart] Sending: b’555e215754781445717e’
2024-05-02 01:56:25.576 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.uart] Data frame: b’565ea157547815485962bb7e’
2024-05-02 01:56:25.576 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.uart] Sending: b’8610be7e’
2024-05-02 01:56:25.577 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.ezsp.protocol] Application frame received getConfigurationValue: [<EzspStatus.SUCCESS: 0>, 250]
2024-05-02 01:56:25.578 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.ezsp] Setting config CONFIG_PACKET_BUFFER_COUNT = 255 (old value 250)
2024-05-02 01:56:25.578 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.ezsp.protocol] Send command setConfigurationValue: (<EzspConfigId.CONFIG_PACKET_BUFFER_COUNT: 1>, 255)
2024-05-02 01:56:25.579 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.uart] Sending: b’665f21575479144d59c4e27e’
2024-05-02 01:56:25.632 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.uart] Data frame: b’675fa157547915387f7e’
2024-05-02 01:56:25.632 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.uart] Sending: b’87009f7e’
2024-05-02 01:56:25.634 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.ezsp.protocol] Application frame received setConfigurationValue: [<EzspStatus.SUCCESS: 0>]
2024-05-02 01:56:25.636 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.ezsp.protocol] Send command addEndpoint: (1, 260, <DeviceType.IAS_CONTROL: 1024>, 0, 5, 4, [0, 6, 10, 25, 1281], [1, 32, 1280, 1282])
2024-05-02 01:56:25.637 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.uart] Sending: b’775c2157542814b658944e25af5192499a4e2dabf4ce668efcc64389fc7b3da27d387d5d7e’
2024-05-02 01:56:25.688 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.uart] Data frame: b’705ca157542815e52e7e’
2024-05-02 01:56:25.688 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.uart] Sending: b’8070787e’
2024-05-02 01:56:25.689 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.ezsp.protocol] Application frame received addEndpoint: [<EzspStatus.SUCCESS: 0>]
2024-05-02 01:56:25.691 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.ezsp.protocol] Send command addEndpoint: (2, 49246, <DeviceType.CONTROLLER: 2080>, 0, 1, 0, [0], )
2024-05-02 01:56:25.692 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.uart] Sending: b’005d2157542817ec99b44225ab5592496f957e’
2024-05-02 01:56:25.739 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.uart] Data frame: b’015da1575428159c8e7e’
2024-05-02 01:56:25.740 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.uart] Sending: b’8160597e’
2024-05-02 01:56:25.741 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.ezsp.protocol] Application frame received addEndpoint: [<EzspStatus.SUCCESS: 0>]
2024-05-02 01:56:25.742 DEBUG (MainThread) [zigpy.application] Feeding watchdog
2024-05-02 01:56:25.743 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.ezsp.protocol] Send command readCounters: ()
2024-05-02 01:56:25.743 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.uart] Sending: b’7d3162215754db2ea27e’
2024-05-02 01:56:25.796 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.uart] Data frame: b’1262a15754db15b259944a25aa5592499c4e27abedce678bfdc66389fc7e3fa7ebcdde6f8fffc7dbd5d2698c4623a9ec763ba5ea758241984c2613b1e070381c0e07bbe5ca658a459a4d9e4f9ff7c3d9d46a35a25190ceb17e’
2024-05-02 01:56:25.796 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.uart] Sending: b’82503a7e’
2024-05-02 01:56:25.799 WARNING (MainThread) [bellows.ezsp.protocol] Failed to parse frame readCounters: b’0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000’
2024-05-02 01:56:25.800 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.uart] Connection lost: ValueError(‘Data is too short to contain 2 bytes’)
2024-05-02 01:56:25.801 ERROR (MainThread) [bellows.uart] Lost serial connection: ValueError(‘Data is too short to contain 2 bytes’)
2024-05-02 01:56:25.801 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.ezsp] socket:// connection lost unexpectedly: Data is too short to contain 2 bytes
2024-05-02 01:56:25.801 INFO (MainThread) [bellows.ezsp] NCP entered failed state. No application handler registered, ignoring…
2024-05-02 01:56:31.744 WARNING (MainThread) [bellows.zigbee.application] Watchdog heartbeat timeout: TimeoutError()
2024-05-02 01:56:31.745 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.ezsp.protocol] Send command networkState: ()
2024-05-02 01:56:31.745 DEBUG (MainThread) [zigpy.application] Starting watchdog loop
2024-05-02 01:56:37.747 DEBUG (Thread-55) [aiosqlite] executing functools.partial(<function PersistingListener._set_isolation_level.. at 0x7f76c99da0>)
2024-05-02 01:56:37.747 DEBUG (Thread-55) [aiosqlite] operation functools.partial(<function PersistingListener._set_isolation_level.. at 0x7f76c99da0>) completed
2024-05-02 01:56:37.751 DEBUG (Thread-55) [aiosqlite] executing functools.partial(<built-in method execute of sqlite3.Connection object at 0x7f7ac4c310>, ‘PRAGMA wal_checkpoint;’, )
2024-05-02 01:56:37.752 DEBUG (Thread-55) [aiosqlite] operation functools.partial(<built-in method execute of sqlite3.Connection object at 0x7f7ac4c310>, ‘PRAGMA wal_checkpoint;’, ) completed
2024-05-02 01:56:37.754 DEBUG (Thread-55) [aiosqlite] executing functools.partial(<function PersistingListener._set_isolation_level.. at 0x7f76c99da0>)
2024-05-02 01:56:37.756 DEBUG (Thread-55) [aiosqlite] operation functools.partial(<function PersistingListener._set_isolation_level.. at 0x7f76c99da0>) completed
2024-05-02 01:56:37.758 DEBUG (Thread-55) [aiosqlite] executing functools.partial(<built-in method close of sqlite3.Connection object at 0x7f7ac4c310>)
2024-05-02 01:56:37.760 DEBUG (Thread-55) [aiosqlite] operation functools.partial(<built-in method close of sqlite3.Connection object at 0x7f7ac4c310>) completed
2024-05-02 01:56:37.762 DEBUG (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.zha] Failed to set up ZHA
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “/usr/local/lib/python3.12/site-packages/bellows/ezsp/”, line 74, in command
return await future
The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/components/zha/”, line 153, in async_setup_entry
zha_gateway = await ZHAGateway.async_from_config(
File “/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/components/zha/core/”, line 197, in async_from_config
await instance.async_initialize()
File “/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/components/zha/core/”, line 215, in async_initialize
await app.startup(auto_form=True)
File “/usr/local/lib/python3.12/site-packages/zigpy/”, line 234, in startup
await self.initialize(auto_form=auto_form)
File “/usr/local/lib/python3.12/site-packages/zigpy/”, line 142, in initialize
await self.load_network_info(load_devices=False)
File “/usr/local/lib/python3.12/site-packages/bellows/zigbee/”, line 243, in load_network_info
await self._ensure_network_running()
File “/usr/local/lib/python3.12/site-packages/bellows/zigbee/”, line 165, in _ensure_network_running
(state,) = await self._ezsp.networkState()
File “/usr/local/lib/python3.12/site-packages/bellows/ezsp/”, line 215, in _command
return await self._protocol.command(name, *args)
File “/usr/local/lib/python3.12/site-packages/bellows/ezsp/”, line 73, in command
async with asyncio_timeout(EZSP_CMD_TIMEOUT):
File “/usr/local/lib/python3.12/asyncio/”, line 115, in aexit
raise TimeoutError from exc_val

Another log after deleting everything and reinstalling after a complete reboot of HA:

2024-05-02 02:07:42.026 DEBUG (MainThread) [zigpy.quirks.registry] Checking quirks for Silicon Labs EZSP (5c:02:72:ff:fe:4d:42:d1)

2024-05-02 02:07:42.027 DEBUG (MainThread) [zigpy.quirks.registry] Considering <class ‘zhaquirks.xbee.xbee_io.XBeeSensor’>

2024-05-02 02:07:42.027 DEBUG (MainThread) [zigpy.quirks] Fail because endpoint list mismatch: {232, 230} {1, 2}

2024-05-02 02:07:42.027 DEBUG (MainThread) [zigpy.quirks.registry] Considering <class ‘zhaquirks.xbee.xbee3_io.XBee3Sensor’>

2024-05-02 02:07:42.027 DEBUG (MainThread) [zigpy.quirks] Fail because endpoint list mismatch: {232, 230} {1, 2}

2024-05-02 02:07:42.027 DEBUG (MainThread) [zigpy.quirks.registry] Considering <class ‘zhaquirks.tuya.ts0201.MoesTemperatureHumidtySensorWithScreen’>

2024-05-02 02:07:42.027 DEBUG (MainThread) [zigpy.quirks] Fail because endpoint list mismatch: {1} {1, 2}

2024-05-02 02:07:42.027 DEBUG (MainThread) [zigpy.quirks.registry] Considering <class ‘zhaquirks.smartthings.tag_v4.SmartThingsTagV4’>

2024-05-02 02:07:42.028 DEBUG (MainThread) [zigpy.quirks] Fail because endpoint list mismatch: {1} {1, 2}

2024-05-02 02:07:42.028 DEBUG (MainThread) [zigpy.quirks.registry] Considering <class ‘zhaquirks.smartthings.multi.SmartthingsMultiPurposeSensor’>

2024-05-02 02:07:42.028 DEBUG (MainThread) [zigpy.quirks] Fail because endpoint list mismatch: {1} {1, 2}

2024-05-02 02:07:42.028 DEBUG (MainThread) [zigpy.quirks.registry] Considering <class ‘zhaquirks.netvox.z308e3ed.Z308E3ED’>

2024-05-02 02:07:42.028 DEBUG (MainThread) [zigpy.quirks] Fail because endpoint list mismatch: {1} {1, 2}

2024-05-02 02:07:42.028 DEBUG (MainThread) [zigpy.quirks.registry] Considering <class ‘zhaquirks.gledopto.soposhgu10.SoposhGU10’>

2024-05-02 02:07:42.028 DEBUG (MainThread) [zigpy.quirks] Fail because endpoint list mismatch: {11, 13} {1, 2}

2024-05-02 02:07:42.028 DEBUG (MainThread) [zigpy.quirks.registry] Checking quirks for _TZ1800_fcdjzz3s TY0202 (cc:86:ec:ff:fe:3d:3b:2e)

2024-05-02 02:07:42.028 DEBUG (MainThread) [zigpy.quirks.registry] Considering <class ‘zhaquirks.xbee.xbee_io.XBeeSensor’>

2024-05-02 02:07:42.028 DEBUG (MainThread) [zigpy.quirks] Fail because endpoint list mismatch: {232, 230} {1}

2024-05-02 02:07:42.029 DEBUG (MainThread) [zigpy.quirks.registry] Considering <class ‘zhaquirks.xbee.xbee3_io.XBee3Sensor’>

2024-05-02 02:07:42.029 DEBUG (MainThread) [zigpy.quirks] Fail because endpoint list mismatch: {232, 230} {1}

2024-05-02 02:07:42.029 DEBUG (MainThread) [zigpy.quirks.registry] Considering <class ‘zhaquirks.tuya.ts0201.MoesTemperatureHumidtySensorWithScreen’>

2024-05-02 02:07:42.029 DEBUG (MainThread) [zigpy.quirks] Fail because device_type mismatch on at least one endpoint

2024-05-02 02:07:42.029 DEBUG (MainThread) [zigpy.quirks.registry] Considering <class ‘zhaquirks.smartthings.tag_v4.SmartThingsTagV4’>

2024-05-02 02:07:42.029 DEBUG (MainThread) [zigpy.quirks] Fail because device_type mismatch on at least one endpoint

2024-05-02 02:07:42.029 DEBUG (MainThread) [zigpy.quirks.registry] Considering <class ‘zhaquirks.smartthings.multi.SmartthingsMultiPurposeSensor’>

2024-05-02 02:07:42.029 DEBUG (MainThread) [zigpy.quirks] Fail because input cluster mismatch on at least one endpoint

Yup, I’m having same problems with my Silvercrest too. Lets hope it gets fixed soon.

As a confirmation, downgrading to 2024.4.4 returned things to normal, although zigpy complains:

“This zigpy release uses database schema v12 but the database is v13. Downgrading zigpy is not recommended and may result in data loss. Use at your own risk.”

I already lost the whole zigbee network, Tried a couple of times to do a migrate, which resulted in a backup sequence which I did not know, and the last working backups get automatically deleted, by??? So I lost my valid Zigbee network and need to open ceilings cupboards, to reset all my devices “something like 30 odd” need to rewrite dozens of Automations, and start anew completely. Well that is if I could get my Silvercrest up in the air again, for it fails to initialize, with a stream of errors, and successes which change nothing to the fact that it is dead in the water now.

I can confirm the same problem with ZHA and silvercrest gateway after today upgrade to 2024.5.0 :frowning:

Always ends with this:

2024-05-02 09:17:26.395 DEBUG (MainThread) [zigpy.application] Feeding watchdog
2024-05-02 09:17:26.396 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.ezsp.protocol] Send command readCounters: ()
2024-05-02 09:17:26.397 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.uart] Sending: b’7d3162215754db2ea27e’
2024-05-02 09:17:26.450 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.uart] Data frame: b’1262a15754db15b259944a25aa5592499c4e27abedce678bfdc66389fc7e3fa7ebcdde6f8fffc7dbd5d2698c4623a9ec763ba5ea758241984c2613b1e070381c0e07bbe5ca658a459a4d9e4f9ff7c3d9d46a35a25190ceb17e’
2024-05-02 09:17:26.451 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.uart] Sending: b’82503a7e’
2024-05-02 09:17:26.453 WARNING (MainThread) [bellows.ezsp.protocol] Failed to parse frame readCounters: b’0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000’
2024-05-02 09:17:26.454 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.uart] Connection lost: ValueError(‘Data is too short to contain 2 bytes’)
2024-05-02 09:17:26.455 ERROR (MainThread) [bellows.uart] Lost serial connection: ValueError(‘Data is too short to contain 2 bytes’)
2024-05-02 09:17:26.455 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.ezsp] socket:// connection lost unexpectedly: Data is too short to contain 2 bytes
2024-05-02 09:17:26.455 INFO (MainThread) [bellows.ezsp] NCP entered failed state. No application handler registered, ignoring…

yes same here, 2024.5.0 crash… I did notice an error message on the Developer Tools page saying something about IP ban but it quickly crashed. I’ve downgrading to 2024.4.4 and deleted IP ban from my configuration.yaml file but will wait for a few days so this gets sorted out before upgrading to 2024.5.0 again.

Same problem here - and after banging my head against the keyboard getting ready to buy another GW I finally stumbled upon this post. Thank you @ofca for the downgrade idea.

The code owner did write back:

And it seems that in next update there will be a fix. Shame I lost my whole Zigbee, in the meantime, plus I have no clue when this fix will be rolled out, so 35 devices are off the air in the meantime :((

But it will be solved.

Hi, same here… I backup before every core update and this was the first time I used it. After restoring, the zigbee is back… uffff

I was lucky. Yesterday I did the hack to free the hub and connect it to ZHA. It didn’t work so I rolled back the HA core version. After just a couple of hours 2024.5.1 came out and I can confirm that it works on my machine

The new core from last night, did correct the bug. Solved I would say. Shame my network was already destroyed by all the attempts, the bu automatically made by migrate which will not go beyond a certain number then chucking out the only working network. And the extra cash I payed to get all things running again, by buying a sonoff Zigbee stick, now more expensive then it used to be. But I tried the Silvercrest and it did work after the new core was installed it came up without a hitch.