Did anyone manage to integrate the Silvercrest Zigbee Gateway in HA? I already used the Search but didnt find anything.
Did anyone manage to integrate the Silvercrest Zigbee Gateway in HA? I already used the Search but didnt find anything.
hi, the silvercrest gateway (zigbee) is also available for tuya smart or smart life mobile app… so it works for me, with the tuya smart intigration… in home assistant…
Thank you.
I registered an account and added all the plugs. It works fine within the Tuya App. Well, but i cant register the integration. It says invalid authentication. I try to register it with my email address and password registered in the app. I choose Tuya as registered app. What do i do wrong?
Found it. Had to use a password without a special character.
Ok, one more question. How long does it take until the devices will be discovered?
Its still empty. In my app everything works fine.
Did you get it to fully work?
I tried with the Lidl Home app and user id without luck.
I then installed the TuyaSmart app, created a TuyaSmart id, resetted the gateway, added the gateway to TuyaSmart and then added a zigbee socket in the app.
Works as good as it did in the Lidl Home app.
(Wrote all that if someone else wants to know how to connect the gateway to HA.
I then added the Tuya integration in HA and HA found it and now HA finds it.
However, I am unable to get HA to find any devices.
Anyone have a solution / explanation?
I created some scenes in Tuya App. They show up in HA then. But no direct control of the connected plugs.
Pushing the thread up. Are there any news integrating that gateway in HA? In Tuya it only work with scenes. Thanks.
I just want to add that went back to Lidl to get my money back and then bought a ConBee which I now use. Works flawlessly.
I really disliked that the Tuya / Lidl Gateway had to talk with servers outside my network to work.
Is there any way we can have home assistant connect locally to the gateway?
I am a newbee here and I was wondering if there is some way to locally connect to it?
I failed when using the Lidl app and my Lidl cloud account.
I then did a factory reset on the Lidl hub (which essentially is a Tuya Hub with a Lidl logo slapped on), used the Tuya app and created a Tuya cloud account and used it for Home Assistant. After that I was able to get HA to login and access my Tuya account. However, i never succeeded to control lights and stuff via HA. Only via the Tuya app.
I gave up, bought a ConBee II and after that my Zigbee adventure had been almost trouble free.
My Tuya app cannot find my gateway. Any trick that?
Gateway was reset.
LAN and STATUS LED is green.
The Lidl Home find the Gateway…
I did a Factory Reset and then I tried the Tuya App… worked.
But then again: Never managed to integrate it to HA.
I try to link gateway by tuya Smart in home assistant but i can’t find nothing why??
What silvercrest model do you have?what kind of hub do you select in tuya app?what country do you use in tuya app?
Hi guys,
found this Blog today, maybe this is helpful for you: Home Assistant Integration - Hacking the (Silvercrest) Lidl Smart Home Gateway - Paul Banks DOT Org