No devices or entities are showing up under the life360 integration. I restarted the core. Home assistant supervised running on docker CE on a raspberry pi 4B.
Did you add your account to life360 integration? Check if the added account is showing up in your integration page like this.
How do I get to that page? I only have reload and system options which reveals an add entities option.
I did sign in with my account when I added it
And my email is listed for the addon
Ok so it turns out that it’s connected and doesn’t show up as a device, and says I can’t manage it from the ui… How do I change the names exactly?
It doesnt show up as a device but an entity with an entity_id something like device_tracker.life360_salam. If you check this in devices, you wont find it but only in entities.
ohhh snap i spent like an hour trying to figure it out and looking through all my junk lol. thanks, that makes sense.
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