Life 360 stopped working this morning

Is it only for me or did they change something in the API? The integration keeps asking for authentication but does not accept the password. The app works, but the HA integration is shut out.

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Yes Life360 changed it so that you can only be signed into one app at a time essentially killing the integration

Same here!


These companies are killing themselves. Do they not know this? Cancel if they don’t restore, people that continue to support these companies are part of the problem.


Cancelling my service with a note to the company.

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I dropped Life360 years ago, after years of use.

Now we all use HA itself and PhoneTrack.

No idea why everyone is wanting to jump ship from Life360. They made an API change which broke the custom non-supported connectivity. According to the developer who is supporting the “official” integration has a fix and it is queued to be integrated into the next update.

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I wouldn’t go that far just yet. I’m testing some changes that have been recommended based on reverse engineering the API (basically a man in the middle setup that can monitor the traffic between the Life360 app and their server.) Some appear to work, others not. And this could just be the beginning and a similar scenario that the MyQ integration recently went through. I guess time will tell. No promises.


Is that working ok with you ?

For me is very unexpected. Sometimes works and others do not. The way that I use it is to open my garage when I am 1 mile away from home.

Yes, it’s been rock solid for years. It just works. However, I only use the PhoneTrack app to upload data to NextCloud and not to HA. These are the settings that I have fined tuned for my phone.

Because they don’t give a fack about their users.

Is PhoneTrack a Nextcloud application to track and store mobile device’s locations ??
I am not very familiar with that.
Can you use that to create some location automation within home assistant ?
I was using Life 360 to create that in home assistant. Can you share a little bit more on what it is and how you are using it?
Now I am very interested…

Exactly that. You point the mobile app to any compatible server like the NextCloud-based app.

I’ve just been using it to collect and manage location data. But I just checked now and didn’t find any integration or custom component for HA, which surprises me, since the PhoneTrack logging standard is well established.

For location-based stuff in HA I’m simply using the HA (Android) app itself.

For me the HA companion app (iOS) is terribly unreliable. Looks like I’m going back to Owntracks.

I’m trying to give OwnTracks a chance, but it will not set up for me. I get a NSURL Error under status in the app (due to nabucasa webhook) and I never show up as an entity in HA. Also, It doesn’t appear that the integration is being actively maintained anymore.

Yes, due to iOS restrictions the Companion can only do coarse location tracking. Another reason why I don’t touch anything Apple even with a 10-foot pole.

Weird, especially since Life360 and other apps are very precise on the same devices. It’s only HA that doesn’t work sometimes.

will this be temporary or permanent? wasn’t it also like this in past but returned to normal a few days later?

Currently, it’s already been fixed. But unless you manually apply the fix yourself, you will need to wait for the next Home Assistant update to get it automatically.


New to HA. When will next update be? Isnthere a typical release schedule?