Life 360 stopped working this morning

It is estimated there were maybe 10’s of thousands of HA Life360 users, and it is estimated that Life360 has 50+ millions of users. Do the math…

I pay for silver, that’s $25/month. You’re right in that they likely don’t care about $250-500k or even $1 million.

edit: not being snarky, legitimately that is not that much money if they have 50 million + users overall.

There is a survey that comes out when you cancel your subscription. I expressed that I do not have a need for Life360 paid subscription if I cannot have access to an API through my Home Assistant.


fwiw, I dumped life360 for all the reasons mentioned in this post (and others) a while back and I am very happy with traccar…

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I’ve been waiting for a fix to the life360/ha issue, but it seems that there is no hope (at least none in the near future)
What are your recommendations for an alternative app/solution for both Android and iOS
It should integrate with ja but also providean easy view from the phone, and notifications (family members arriving and leaving lhome) without having to resort to exposing the ha server to the cloud

You might want to check out the topics linked in this post above.

Thanks @pnbruckner
There are quite a few options listed, none seem to be widely endorsed
I’m looking for a recommendation that “just works” :

  • provide notofications and map view outside ha
  • integrate with ha

I am using this. iPhone only I think and you have to buy the app. But it seems solid.