Life Cloud Broken?

Can anyone confirm if Lifx Cloud is working in 0.85+ as I have checked the token but the buttoni have in the GUI says entity not available.

I can’t find anything in breaking changes or in the logs. I know lifx moved to integration and that is working fine it’s just the lifx Cloud scenes.


I can confirm that LIFX cloud scenes are broken, and have been since 0.85… When I click my scene button, it simply says, failed to call service scene/turn_on.

Are we seeing anything in the logs related to this?

I’ll get an issue open on github.

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Turns out Lifx Scenes isn’t broken, at least for me.

Try going into the developer tools / services, and calling the scene from there.
Service type: scene.turn_on
Entity ID: foobar.scene
Then, call service.

This activated the scene for me. It also told me that Lifx scenes aren’t actually broken. So I started digging, and turns out that the way I was calling the scene in Lovelace, had changed. Here’s a working copy of my config directly from the UI:

title: Scenes
id: livingroom-scenes
type: glance
show_header_toggle: false
columns: 3
  - entity: scene.lr_evening
      action: call-service
      service: scene.turn_on
        entity_id: scene.lr_evening
  - entity: scene.lr_media
      action: call-service
      service: scene.turn_on
        entity_id: scene.lr_media
  - entity: scene.lr_movie
      action: call-service
      service: scene.turn_on
        entity_id: scene.lr_movie

Here’s the documentation for the glances card above:

@SimonT Hopefully this fixes your problem!

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Thanks xstrex I looking for a solution for 2 hours… I was missing:

        entity_id: scene.my_scene

Thank you!!