Life360 Device Tracker Platform

I must say, I’m very very happy with you doing all this work for everybody who wants to use Life360. I really would like to thank you for it! Also, is there any kind of way I can make a contribution for your work?

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I am running 0.4.0.dev4 and dowloaded dev5, but still don’t restart HA.
What to do? where i find dev6 before downloading dev7?

Can you send me the dev6 package in PM?

Just delete the integration before you reboot (after downloading latest per Phil’s msg), then setup again and all will be back working

It’s needed only to delete integration from the HA integration list? Or do i delete also from HACS the custom repositiry?

Just remove from HA integrations page and you’ll be grand…

V6 : GitHub - pnbruckner/ha-life360 at 5ce8f97532986acfe1444ed84466bd6f0276ac5e

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Thanks… done, restarted and up again!

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Thanks @Gav_in & @ValMarDav for chipping in! I was a bit busy and just noticed @maurizio53’s request.

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Commit 0.4.0.dev8

Try to “spam” the log a bit less:

Log only first error that causes account to go “offline”.
An “ERROR” message will be logged when account goes back “online”.
Any other errors will only be logged as DEBUG messages.

Just curious, how can I tell what version I am currently running?


Hi Phil

I installed this one, and indeed, I get much more accurate location information. Actually, a little but to much :slight_smile:

I found a note to yourself (
Does this mean the user will be able to enable/disable data like ‘country’, ‘province’, … Because of privacy reasons I will not post an example here, but it’s quiet funny to find out my ‘full’ address.
A “regular” address (for us Belgians) consists of: Streetname, streetnumber, postalcode, city. As a bonus I also get: district, province, region, country.
And when the location has a name, you also get that. Not that this has to be discussed here, but I couldn’t find a topic for it.

Look in this file.

is on the Integration page too in HA
(I’m not quite up to most current version yet)

Sorry…replying to wrong person/post :see_no_evil: meant for @TimothyGaray

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Must be new in 2024.5. I don’t see it there.

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I’m on 2024.5 so that could be it…TBH never noticed it until yesterday when you mentioned to upgrade in steps so not sure when it there since (and is there for all integrations)

Must be part of the changes they made to let HA keep track of HACS updates.

As I’ve explained, the request to get the List of Circles a Life360 account can see can result in an error 403 (forbidden) or 429 (too many requests), causing the request to have to be retried (after a delay of, say, 10 to 15 minutes), potentially many times. I’ve already seen it take over 45 minutes before the request succeeds.

For this reason, once the list is obtained, it is saved to a file so that the next time HA restarts, the Life360 integration can immediately start retrieving Member data without having to potentially wait for the list of Circles. (It also saves the list of Members in each Circle.)

Currently, I also have it retrieving the list of Circles & Members once per hour. The idea is, if/when a new Circle is created, or a new Member is added, the integration will eventually see them and create new entities accordingly.

The question is, is this the right approach? I.e., should it bother doing this once an hour?

Normally, I would say, there are almost never new Circles or Members, so it’s querying a lot for no reason.

Also, if/when there is a new Circle or Member, it could take over an hour before the integration notices and creates any new entities.

So, for the average user, would they really understand why the new entities aren’t getting created right away? Would they end up removing and re-adding the integration anyway?

I feel like I should do away with the Circle & Member updating once per hour. It would obviously do it when the integration is first added, or when a new Life360 account is added. But after that, why bother?

Instead of the once-per-hour querying, I could add a service to request a Circle & Member update. I could even add a button to make it more obvious. Of course, the average user might not remember or think to use either of these, and may still end up removing and re-adding the integration (which, indirectly, would end up doing the same thing.)



I very much agree with this approach. I see little to no value in continuously requesting the circle list, especially given the recent history of this integration. Requiring a service call or integration reload when new members or circles are added is very reasonable in my opinion.

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I agree with the above. An integration reload or a button (service call) in the integration settings would be perfect. Updating a member circle is quite infrequent (well for me anyway) and if I added a member, I would either reload the integration or restart HA. To be fair HA updates 2-3 times a month, so the restarts would probably suffice :slight_smile:

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