Life360 Device Tracker Platform

Hi Phil,

I got it. thank for the assist. I had some incorrect lines in my configuration.yaml, seeing devices now, thanks!

ive folowed the steps for the custom update but im not sure what this means:

how do i do that?

To install one of these custom components or Python scripts for the first time, use the custom_updater.install service with appropriate service data, such as:

  "element": "sensor.illuminance"

In the frontend, go to the Services page. In the Service drop-down select custom_updater.install. In Service Data enter:

{"element": "life360"}


Now do the same again, but this time with the following in Service Data:

{"element": "device_tracker.life360"}

Now restart HA.

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I think I have this all setup ok, but I am not seeing any device_tracked entities.

The log says life 360 has been loaded. I get a few http 500 errors.

I have life 360 added in the config. What am I missing? :slight_smile:

The communications with the server can often have errors, either due to the server itself, the Internet, or your own network. That’s not uncommon. I see errors from time to time. If HA can’t successfully communicate with the server during startup, for whatever reason, the Life360 platform will give up and print the following ERROR to the log: Life360 communication failed!. In this case you won’t see any device_tracker entities. If it works, though, you should see the following DEBUG message in the log: Life360 communication successful!.

Try restarting HA and see if the entities appear. If you’re still having trouble, make sure the log level for custom_components.device_tracker.life360 is set to allow DEBUG messages (which is the default if you haven’t changed anything under logger: in your config.) Search home-assistant.log for custom_components.device_tracker.life360. There might be other useful DEBUG or ERROR messages.

I should probably think about having the platform retry the setup if it runs into communication errors.


Thanks for the reply. I checked the debug logs, and it seems to be good.

018-11-16 18:56:50 DEBUG (Thread-21) [custom_components.device_tracker.life360] Life360 communication successful!
2018-11-16 18:56:50 DEBUG (Thread-21) [custom_components.device_tracker.life360] Configured members = None

Not sure what it means with the configured members?

I can also see that is is setting up users of life360

Yeah, I’ve been meaning to make that debug message a bit more clear. There is an optional configuration variable members that can be used to specify which members to create device_tracker entities for. The default is to create entities for all members in all Circles. But you can limit that by using this optional config item. That debug message is just logging the raw value of that config item. Since you didn’t use it, the default value is None. So you can ignore that message.

Sorry, does this mean it’s working for you now? I.e., you’re seeing device_tracker entities for the members in your Life360 Circle(s)?


Yes, it is working. The reason I could not see it, was because the name device.tracker_(user) had the same name in wifi presence detection. Once I changed the name, their was no conflict, and it showed.

Did you use the optional prefix config parameter? That’s what it’s for – to help prevent name conflicts with other types of device_trackers.

no, thanks for the tip:grinning:

Hi I am quite new but there is no “custom_updater.install” in the services dropdown. I’ve copied config/custom_components/ by samba share. Put the below in my configuration.yaml

    - components
    - python_scripts

Restarted multiple times but I can’t see “custom_updater.install” in services dropdown

Well, custom_updater is not mine. If you need help you should check out its github page. Click on wiki for instructions, or issues for help.

@modidep these are the steps I followed and made note of, all worked for me (thanks to @pnbruckner for pointing me in the right direction at the time)

Install python files into the correct folders.

Add the following into main configuration.yaml



    - components

    - python_scripts





Then add to HomeAssistant services

In the frontend, go to the Services page. In the Service drop-down select custom_updater.install. In Service Data enter:

{"element": "life360"}


Now do the same again, but this time with the following in Service Data:

{"element": "device_tracker.life360"}

Thanks @stratplayer . Are you using as well or hassbian? Also do you mean putting under /custom_components/ by “Install python files into the correct folders.”? Is there anything else?

Thanks @pnbruckner. Will post my question there.

Is there a way to add more than 1 device in my account for example my work phone witch it have the same account as my primary phone

That’s really a question for Life360. My component just (by default) finds all members in all Circles in the account provided. So if your work phone appears as a different Life360 member in your Life360 Circle (or one of your Life360 Circles if you have more than one), then I would say yes.

@stratplayer I copied and pasted from yours and it started working :slight_smile: Thanks a lot.

@DrZzs just posted a video about this custom component

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