Life360 Device Tracker Platform

I only have added zone in Ha, not places from life360 imported,can be that the problem?
Like I said before worked fine, I don’t know if changes about this in last device_tracker version?

Hello, I don’t see what I’m doing wrong, but I get the following errors:

get_circles: ConnectionError: HTTPSConnectionPool(host='', port=443): Max retries exceeded with url: /v3/oauth2/token.json (Caused by NewConnectionError('<urllib3.connection.VerifiedHTTPSConnection object at 0x7f501af193c8>: Failed to establish a new connection: [Errno -2] Name does not resolve'))


Suppressing further errors until OK: get_circles: ConnectionError: HTTPSConnectionPool(host='', port=443): Max retries exceeded with url: /v3/oauth2/token.json (Caused by NewConnectionError('<urllib3.connection.VerifiedHTTPSConnection object at 0x7f5017990898>: Failed to establish a new connection: [Errno -2] Name does not resolve'))

I installed the custom component with the custom_updater service.


I’ve not had time to add logging, but also wanted to say that I have made no changes in quite a while. I’m running 93.2, and I’ve noticed that the component seems a bit laggy lately as well. Not at all saying it’s HA, or the component, might be life360 itself. I have not had time to investigate. I have this running for my wife and myself, both iPhones, and both seem to be laggy. I’ve running other trackers and the composite tracker, so it has not been too much of an issue, which is probably why I have not looked deeper into it. I probably would not have even noticed, other than a couple of my “arrival” automations failed last week for the first time in quite a while, and when I checked HA I noticed the “issue”. Sorry I know this is not super useful other than just being another data point

Others have mentioned that Life360 on iOS hasn’t worked as well lately as it has in the past, something about new app versions. You should check their FAQs. See post #893 above.

Right there you’re going to get some disagreement, since they are different sizes. Also, are their locations (i.e., latitudes & longitudes) the same, or are they different, too? FWIW, I have both my zone.home and my Life360 Home Place set to the exact same location with a radius of 300 m. I’ve found that works well for us.

No. Being able to automatically create/update HA zones from Life360 Places is just a convenience feature. You can do the same by manually entering/configuring HA zones.

Don’t know what to tell you. Nothing has changed that I’m aware of that should cause this. Look at the log.

That’s a basic networking issue. If you can run the following command from the same context in which HA runs, it might tell you something:

$ curl -v
* Rebuilt URL to:
*   Trying
* Connected to ( port 80 (#0)
> GET / HTTP/1.1
> Host:
> User-Agent: curl/7.58.0
> Accept: */*
< HTTP/1.1 302 Found
< Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8
< Date: Tue, 04 Jun 2019 18:26:57 GMT
< Location:
< Server: nginx
< X-Request-Id: c722324cb8da392e303f1ae5352aded4
< Content-Length: 818
< Connection: keep-alive
<html><body style='background: rgb(30, 28, 66)'><pre style='color: #6827ed'> _ _  __      _____  __    ___
| (_)/ _| ___|___ / / /_  / _ \
| | | |_ / _ \ |_ \| '_ \| | | |
| | |  _|  __/___) | (_) | |_| |
|_|_|_|  \___|____/ \___/ \___/

                  _                      _
  ___ _ __   __ _(_)_ __   ___  ___ _ __(_)_ __   __ _
 / _ \ '_ \ / _` | | '_ \ / _ \/ _ \ '__| | '_ \ / _` |
|  __/ | | | (_| | | | | |  __/  __/ |  | | | | | (_| |
 \___|_| |_|\__, |_|_| |_|\___|\___|_|  |_|_| |_|\__, |
            |___/                                |___/

nothing to see here, move along.
* Connection #0 to host left intact

Hi, just updated to 0.94 and life 360 is not working, anyone with the same problem?

Ill let you know shortly when my wife comes in if mine updates, all seams to be working at the moment though with 0.94

I have the same issue after upgrading to 0.94.
Config checker shows

Platform not found: device_tracker.life360

custom components folder still has the required files.
anyone have any ideas?

@fernandex00 @denver @Wylenia

See post 938 above.

Thanks, still having issues with it…

Using the “Set up new integration” method, Life360 is not in the list of drop downs.
Using yaml version I get this error:

Package life360 setup failed. Component life360 does not exist

Here’s what my yaml looks like:

username: !secret life360
password: !secret life360_pass

Am i missing something obvious here?

Yes, you looked at the post after the one I pointed you to. :slight_smile:

The post I pointed you to said I released version 2.10.1 of the custom component to prepare for the HA 0.94.0 release. So basically you need to upgrade the custom component.

Making life360 a standard integration has been submitted, but has not been reviewed yet, let alone approved and merged into a release. Hopefully though that won’t take too long.

Yep, mines working as it should and updated the drive home and home.

Thank you for your help, I did refer to the wrong post but now it’s working :grinning:

Hopefully your submission gets the approval, i really enjoy using life360 with hass

Ok, I’ll admit it.
I am now totally confused as to what the changes in 0.94 mean to me with device_trackers.

Maybe that is because I have read too many posts of people having ‘problems’ and all the different ‘solutions’ that have been posted.

My simple question is do I have to do anything to keep the Life360 device tracker working when I upgrade to 0.94?

And if the answer is simple and prevents me creating new posts, what about the Composite? And if I can really push my luck, what about Google and non GPS device trackers such as Bluetooth?

I’m sorry, but rightly or wrongly it is not clear to me exactly what is changing. Especially with regard to known_devices.yaml.

It’s simple for my life360 & composite custom components. Just upgrade to the latest & greatest (2.10.1 & 1.7.5, respectively) and they should work now and when you upgrade HA to 0.94.0+. No changes to configuration or known_devices.yaml.

And contrary to some posts, the person component is not required to make or keep device_tracker platforms working.

Regarding other device_tracker platforms, custom or standard, I can’t say for sure. All the standard ones should, of course, keep working (although I have seen that at least one has a bug that will be fixed in 0.94.1.) Some have been converted to the new format and will behave at least a bit differently. E.g., I believe they will not depend on, or interact with in any way with, known_devices.yaml. But that’s just based on some things I’ve read. I’m not 100% clear on all that myself. For other custom ones, that depends. Given the way things were rearranged in the device_tracker component code, they will likely need some updating (just like mine did.)

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FYI, the PR that submitted the Life360 integration to become standard has been approved and merged into the dev branch. If all goes normally, then it’s likely to be released in 0.95.

IMPORTANT: Anyone that is using the custom component will need to change their life360 configuration when switching to the standard component. As a convenience, you can find a preview of the doc page here.


Congrats on getting it accepted.

I’m sure your PRs helped push the changes HA is making to the tracker “integration”. :wink:

Congratulations, the time has come…:occhiolino:

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Thanks, but no, those changes have nothing to do with what I’ve been up to. In fact, my integration doesn’t use them (yet), but I do plan that as a next step.