@pnbruckner thanks for the info you have provided for Life360. I followed you instructions pretty thoroughly and was having great success with this implementation the something happen. I am getting constant errors in my log file see below. If you have any ideas or directions to correct this I would love to hear them.
Thanks for all of you help with this.
[custom_components.device_tracker.life360] TypeError: ‘<’ not supported between instances of ‘float’ and ‘NoneType’; m = {‘features’: {‘device’: ‘1’, ‘smartphone’: ‘1’, ‘nonSmartphoneLocating’: ‘0’, ‘geofencing’: ‘1’, ‘shareLocation’: ‘1’, ‘shareOffTimestamp’: None, ‘disconnected’: ‘0’, ‘pendingInvite’: ‘0’, ‘mapDisplay’: ‘1’}, ‘issues’: {‘disconnected’: ‘0’, ‘type’: None, ‘status’: None, ‘title’: None, ‘dialog’: None, ‘action’: None, ‘troubleshooting’: ‘0’}, ‘location’: {‘latitude’: ', ‘longitude’: ‘-84.764356653657’, ‘accuracy’: ‘65’, ‘startTimestamp’: 1529596089, ‘endTimestamp’: ‘1529598496’, ‘since’: 1529596089, ‘timestamp’: ‘1529598496’, ‘name’: None, ‘placeType’: None, ‘source’: None, ‘sourceId’: None, ‘address1’: ‘, ‘address2’: ‘’, ‘shortAddress’:r’, ‘inTransit’: ‘0’, ‘tripId’: None, ‘driveSDKStatus’: None, ‘battery’: ‘10’, ‘charge’: ‘0’, ‘wifiState’: ‘1’, ‘speed’: -1, ‘isDriving’: ‘0’}, ‘communications’: [{‘channel’: ‘Voice’, ‘value’: ‘+’, ‘type’: ‘Home’}, {‘channel’: ‘Email’, ‘value’: ', ‘type’: ‘’}], ‘medical’: None, ‘relation’: None, ‘createdAt’: ‘1353633952’, ‘activity’: None, ‘id’: ‘5c2bdeb1-241c-404f-8da7-894f039a77ea’, ‘firstName’: ', ‘lastName’: ‘r’, ‘loginEmail’: ‘’, ‘loginPhone’: ‘+’, ‘avatar’: ‘https://www.life360.com/img/user_images/5c2bdeb1-241c-404f-8da7-894f039a77ea/1ada36f2-b1b9-4223-8bf8-78999825adea.png?fd=2’, ‘isAdmin’: ‘0’, ‘pinNumber’: None}
2018-06-21 12:37:33 ERROR (SyncWorker_14) [custom_components.device_tracker.life360] TypeError: ‘<’ not supported between instances of ‘float’ and ‘NoneType’; m = {‘features’: {‘device’: ‘1’, ‘smartphone’: ‘1’, ‘nonSmartphoneLocating’: ‘0’, ‘geofencing’: ‘1’, ‘shareLocation’: ‘1’, ‘shareOffTimestamp’: None, ‘disconnected’: ‘0’, ‘pendingInvite’: ‘0’, ‘mapDisplay’: ‘1’}, ‘issues’: {‘disconnected’: ‘0’, ‘type’: None, ‘status’: None, ‘title’: None, ‘dialog’: None, ‘action’: None, ‘troubleshooting’: ‘0’}, ‘location’: {‘latitude’: ‘36.2633994’, ‘longitude’: ‘-76.1736316’, ‘accuracy’: ‘50’, ‘startTimestamp’: 1529598158, ‘endTimestamp’: ‘1529599049’, ‘since’: 1529598158, ‘timestamp’: ‘1529599049’, ‘name’: None, ‘placeType’: None, ‘source’: None, ‘sourceId’: None, ‘address1’: None, ‘address2’: ‘’, ‘shortAddress’: ‘’, ‘inTransit’: ‘0’, ‘tripId’: None, ‘driveSDKStatus’: None, ‘battery’: ‘82’, ‘charge’: ‘0’, ‘wifiState’: ‘1’, ‘speed’: 0, ‘isDriving’: ‘0’}, ‘communications’: