Life360 Device Tracker Platform

lol, you did say “entries” but my mind read it as “entities”. I removed the integration and re-added and all is well again. Thanks for your help!

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I never set my Life360 up in YAML (and also somehow missed the changes in the update details). I now have the new device_tracker.xxxxx which I’ve switched all my automations to use, but I still show the old device_tracker.life360_xxxxx entities when I list them or look at states. Is there any way to remove them completely?

Yes. You need to edit the known_devices.yaml file in your configuration directory. Either remove the Life360 related entries, or if there are only Life360 related entries in this file, simply delete it. Then restart HA and the old entities will be gone.

FWIW, I’ve just submitted a PR to update the 2022.7.0 release notes to better explain the change and what to do about it.

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I read through the release notes pretty thoroughly and was shocked when I noticed the problem last night and started digging into it.

The changes to the release notes are live now. Hopefully they will help.

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Thanks, pnbruckner. Changing the device tracker to the new integration entity name did the trick, and now all is back and working.


Hi pnbrucker,

Im struggling to removed the old life360 entities. I’ve removed known_devices.yaml file. I’ve even delete the whole integration but im still stuck with my life360 entities marked as read-only. Any ideas how to remove them ?

I did a search in ALL config files and nothing has “life360” anymore.

@leSourCil I had the exact same issue, after a couple of reboots they magically disappeared. What you could do is rename the original to say _old and sooner or later they should just go.

I restarted quite a lot already, will see and the next couple of days.

If you remove the entries from known_devices.yaml, or delete known_devices.yaml, and restart HA, they should be gone. You have to restart HA after making those changes.

The old entities get created by the “legacy” part of the device tracker component level code when it reads known_devices.yaml. If the entries aren’t in that file when it does that, or the file does not exist, the entities won’t get created. They are not stored anywhere else to my knowledge (e.g., not in config/.storage/core.entity_registry.) You can tell if they were created by this process because their state will be not_home (aka Away) and they will have the attribute source: null.

Hi, thx Phil for answering.

I did restart many times, even restart the vm, but no, those entities really like living :wink:

Well, I can’t explain it then. This has nothing to do with the life360 integration (in 2022.7.0 and above.) It does not use the legacy code to create entries in known_devices.yaml anymore. The device_tracker component level code creates these entities (to my understanding) purely by reading known_devices.yaml.

After you restart, is known_devices.yaml still gone, or if you didn’t delete it and only edited it, are the changes still there? I.e., are the life360 entries still gone? Or are they somehow coming back again?

I’ve tried both, removing the known_devices.yaml and removing life360 entities from it, then restarted.

They are gone from config files but they are still there in HA. :frowning:

Life I said, i searched the whole file structure for “life360” and nothing came up.

I have no clue how that is possible. Are you comfortable with editing files in config/.storage while HA is stopped? If so, you might try looking in those files to see if the entities are somehow getting stored somewhere, possibly core.entity_registry or core.restore_state. I can’t think of anywhere else they might be coming from (if not known_devices.yaml.)

Wait a second. Where are you seeing them? On the STATES tab? Did you try refreshing your browser?

I know I’ve had it happen where if I leave that page open in a browser, and make changes and restart HA, the page isn’t properly refreshed. If I refresh it (F5) then I see the entities that really exist. It’s some frontend thingy I guess.

Thats it, it was frontend cache. Can’t believe I didn’t think of that. Thx buddy !

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Phil, could you look at the Composite device tracker platform issue? I guess this is related to the Life360 changes.

Observed a strange situation - negative “-100%” battery level:

With the removal of circle/user filtering in 2022.7, I now have a bunch of errors in my logs like this:

2022-07-11 13:24:32 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.life360] xxx: Lost Connection: This user has lost connection to Life360. Visit our troubleshooting guide to help them reconnect.
2022-07-11 13:24:32 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.life360] yyy: Lost Connection: This user has lost connection to Life360. Visit our troubleshooting guide to help them reconnect.
2022-07-11 13:24:42 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.life360] yyy: Lost Connection: This user has lost connection to Life360. Visit our troubleshooting guide to help them reconnect.
2022-07-11 13:24:42 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.life360] xxx: Lost Connection: This user has lost connection to Life360. Visit our troubleshooting guide to help them reconnect.

3 lines every 10 seconds. Is there a planned way to filter out certain users, limit the processing to certain circles, or filter these log lines (aside from asking them to reconnect to Life360 which won’t work for a number of reasons)

Yes, I’ve already started working on a fix for that.

EDIT: And a PR has been submitted:

Do not spam log when Life360 member location is missing by pnbruckner · Pull Request #75029 · home-assistant/core (

PR approved. Should be in 2022.7.4.