Life360 Device Tracker Platform

Yep, got this working again with 2023.12.4 and was greeted a bit ago with the “reconfigure” box. No dice on trying to reauthenticate.

Logger: homeassistant.components.life360
Source: helpers/
Integration: Life360 (documentation, issues)
First occurred: 9:21:00 AM (1 occurrences)
Last logged: 9:21:00 AM

Authentication failed while fetching life360 ([email protected]) data: ClientResponseError: 403, message=‘Forbidden’, url=URL(‘’)

Broken for me again this morning. It’s getting to the point where it’s almost not worth messing with it. I have had a gold membership for a decade, I’m “this” close to cancelling it.

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Same here. Stopped working 30m ago. HA 2023.12.4

Stopped working for me as well :frowning:
I am traveling now and will have a major issues with my wife when all geofencing automations will go to shit…
Do you think Life360 folks are doing it on purpose?


Never assume malice when simple incompetence will suffice.


You know…sometimes both comes together


Yes, although this has a very strong garage-door-opener smell to it… Still, got my fingers crossed and I’ve resubscribed to this thread again to watch for updates.

(yes, mine has broken too)

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Did not work for me…

Broken for me today too. I was able to un-verify my phone (shows as unverified in the account settings), but still can’t log in.


I would not be surprised. I won’t go into all the details, but it does appear they’ve at least made things more difficult, if not near impossible on purpose. I think it’s time for me to throw in the towel.


I think it’s more about increased security and passwordless logins, which have to happen because most people are stupid. I work in cybersecurity so I get it.

It’s also making it increasingly difficult to integrate without a proper, fully supported API with API keys, something life360 has no incentive to do because they never meant to be integrated into automations. Therefore the use case that is being broken is not even on their roadmap or their constraint list to worry about. It is really sad but fair game for an 80% solution which most things in life are.


Thats a bummer…
I can use HA tracking for geofencing, but I used Life360 as a redundancy and for GUESTs. It was easier to include guests into Life360 cycle without forcing them to download HA app and define as person

Yep, that did make it very attractive to use since a LOT of people already have Life360 on their phones.

Personally, I also use the Google Maps integration. Everyone I care about have that on their phones (Android & Apple), so I can get everything I need that way. It was just nice to also use Life360 (with a subset of those people) because by using both I got more reliable and frequent updates. But I can live without the Life360 integration.

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Broken for me today too. I had applied the patch and it was working since 2 weeks ago. Today it is broken again. I have updated to 12.4 but no success. keep asking for verification. So I am starting to get tired of Life360. Is there another option ? device_tracker is dead ?

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There has already been a lot of discussion in this topic about alternatives to Life360. Please read previous posts, other related topics or start a new topic. I have no problem with asking for alternatives, but this is not the appropriate place.

To repeat, the integration is indeed broken again and it’s looking like it’s not going to be possible to keep up with all the changes, and even if we tried, they might be actively trying to lock us out or simply make it too difficult. I personally will probably not try to fix the integration anymore.

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This just made me remove my gold subscription for them. No reason to pay for something I can’t really use. Life360 was nice and significantly better than any of the other discussed solutions in these threads. Just going to stick to my iPhone Device tracker solution in Hacs as I really do not need my doors opening as a success factor for automations. Honestly, that is really a security issue having anything open automatically without your physical consent.

Appreciate everything you have done over the years!

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Just tried to log in to the web life360 and it’s telling me my password is wrong (it’s not) . Tried a password reset and it tells me my email address is wrong! (it’s not). Is it possible it’s not another change but actually an outage/issue their end?

My password works fine on their website and on my phone. It’s the undocumented API being difficult/broken. Time to look for something else.

I went through the hassle of creating a separate life360 account just for HA. I’ve been able to log into the life360 website with the new email and password, but it does NOT work in Home Assistant. I’m about ready to give my family members locked-down versions of the HA companion app so they can be tracked, but not be able to turn lights on and off while they are not at home.

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Wait, what, there’s a Google maps integration?! Need to go check that :wink:

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