Life360 Error messages in my log

I keep getting an bunch of these errors messages in my logs. Any suggestions:

TypeError: ‘<’ not supported between instances of ‘float’ and ‘NoneType’; m = {‘features’: {‘device’: ‘1’, ‘smartphone’: ‘1’, ‘nonSmartphoneLocating’: ‘0’, ‘geofencing’: ‘1’, ‘shareLocation’: ‘1’, ‘shareOffTimestamp’: None, ‘disconnected’: ‘0’, ‘pendingInvite’: ‘0’, ‘mapDisplay’: ‘1’}, ‘issues’: {‘disconnected’: ‘0’, ‘type’: None, ‘status’: None, ‘title’: None, ‘dialog’: None, ‘action’: None, ‘troubleshooting’: ‘0’},
Frontend JavaScript version: es5
TypeError: ‘<’ not supported between instances of ‘float’ and ‘NoneType’; m = {‘features’: {‘device’: ‘1’, ‘smartphone’: ‘1’, ‘nonSmartphoneLocating’: ‘0’, ‘geofencing’: ‘1’, ‘shareLocation’: ‘1’, ‘shareOffTimestamp’: None, ‘disconnected’: ‘0’, ‘pendingInvite’: ‘0’, ‘mapDisplay’: ‘1’}, ‘’, ‘isAdmin’: ‘0’, ‘pinNumber’: None

This is a fairly old post, but it just popped back into the Latest list. Are you still having issues? If so, how are you integrating with Life360?

FWIW, I created a more direct integration via custom_component’s. If you’re interested, check out: