I’m a 65-year-old guy. I haven’t yet retired, but I have been programming since the late 1970’s. (Ever hear of Heathkit?) I’ve programmed microcomputers up to CDC Cybers, in binary code, assembly language, FORTRAN, Pascal, PathPascal, PL/M, C, C++ & some others I don’t even remember anymore. Lately, of course, I’ve also been programming in Python.
The issue isn’t general programming or OS experience. It’s just Home Assistant & HACS learning curve. I tried to write the Life360 custom integration documentation to make installation & configuration as easy as possible. But I do understand without some amount of HA & HACS experience, it can be a bit confusing.
There are three basic steps:
- Get the custom integration files into HA’s config/custom_components folder.
- Restart HA so it recognizes the integration is installed.
- Add a “configuration entry” for the integration.
The first step can be achieved several ways. The easiest is using HACS. But since HACS is a “whole thing” in itself, and it has evolved significantly over the years, I did not attempt to document every individual step of how to use HACS to install a custom integration as a custom repository. (The instructions would have to change all the time, and I gave up trying to keep up with HACS a long time ago.) But if you go to the Installation → Procedure → With HACS (click the triangle to expand) section of the Life360 custom integration documentation, and click the big, blue “OPEN HACS REPOSITORY ON MY” button under step 1, that should do most, if not all, of the work of getting the Life360 custom integration copied into HA’s config/custom_components folder. (Although I think you may have to download it, too. Again, these are HACS details, and I very seldom use HACS myself.)
Then restart HA.
Now go to the Configuration → Add Integration Entry part of the Life360 custom integration docs. Again, there’s a nice, big, blue “My” button to click (in this case, “ADD INTEGRATION TO MY”.) Follow the prompts, and when you’re done, it should be good to go.