LIFX Colour problems with Google assistant / home assistant

Something strange has started happening with my lifx globes.

When I ask Google assistant to turn on a lifix light, it reverts to a colour it has been previously.

It used to be that you could get home assistant to set all your lifix lights a specific colour even when they were off, and then when you asked google to turn them on, they would be that colour. Now they turn on as the colour they were last time you told Google to change them.

Ok, seems powering off the lights (as in removing voltage) and back on again seems to have fixed this.
I will leave this here for anyone else who has the problem in future.

It was a weird one.

Example: Turn a light on, it’s white. Set it to purple in home assistant, turn it on/off as many times as you want in home assistant and it always turns on purple.
Ask Google to turn it off and on, it comes back on as white. Ask Google to change it to warm white, then turn it off /on, it might remember the original white or now default to warm white…

Anyway, physical remove voltage and reconnect, fixes it.