LIFX LED strip - issues with 2021.8.x and Homekit

Hi guys,

Just wondering if anyone has come across this (annoying to me) issue and has a workaround. Unless this is a bug.

I’m running 2021.8.8 and noticed a change within Homekit recently. Instead of just one “Accessory” for the LIFX LED strip that I have - there are two. One titled “RGB” and another titled “Cabinet” (which is what I originally named the strips) which Homekit has mapped to the temperature control.

Now, when I issue a Siri command to turn on and off the “Cabinet” it defaults to the “RGB” setting (and also shows this on screen) and flashes from Off to the temperature setting and then again to the actual “RGB” setting… Rather irritating when before it would just turn on in one go.

I’ve tried splitting the accessory within the Home app and even renaming it… Doesnt help at all.

Any ideas? Thanks.

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Just checking in as I have the exact same issue. My controls are “duplicated” both for the led strip and the lifx mini lightbulb. I have a whites slider and a colors slider.