LIFX + Sonoff TX

Hi guys,

I have a LIFX bulb connected to a Sonoff TX. I chose to that because then I can control the light bulb without needing a cell phone. Both of them are connected to HA.

I am having trouble when using Google Assistant. If someone ‘manually’ turns off the light using the Sonoff TX switch, then the LIFX bulb will be offline and won’t respond to any commands. Is there any way to fix this (automations or other settings)?

I thought that maybe I have to use the switch as a trigger event to turn on and off the bulb. But then I will not be able to cut the power off when needed.

Any suggestions?

If you turn the power to the light off with the sonoff wall switch there is nothing you can do to communicate with the light, unless you turn the switch on.

If you bypass the Sonoff wall switch output and have the bulb powered all the time you can use an automation to control the light with the switch.

Pick one. There is no other option.

Second option seems more suitable.

In the actual configuration, the light bulb normally retains the settings from last time (brightness and color). If I turn on/off the switch twice, it will go back to standard settings (3500k @ 100%).

Do you know if there is any way to simulate the behaviour via automation?