Lifx strip light. Different controller?

Hi all

I have the lifx strip installed in my stair way. I’m wondering if anyone can confirm if you can run a different controller in these i.e wire up a hue controller ?

Or any other. I don’t want to use lifx 2.4ghz anymore (2 weeks so far of trying to get them going ) - been a lifx user for years but my strips always disconnected and now I can’t connect at all (I’ve tried all the recommendations)

I have decided to move away from lifx , but I still have several strips installed. Two of which are hard to change over to new ones.

Thanks very much

What sort of LED strip do they use?

RGB or addressable?

Hey Tom - i believe they are RGB+W LED strips that use addressable zones

That sounds very bespoke. I do not know of any controller that can do that. Usually it is one or the other RGB(W) or addressable.

hmm let me see if i can get more info - but the lifx strip itself has just 4 wires in it does that help?

LIFX’s Polychrome Technology combines RGB+W with addressable zones, allowing the strip to display multiple colors in different sections at the same time, while also using white light for better color accuracy. The controller manages up to 8 addressable zones per meter, which is quite unique compared to typical LED strips.

Not sure how they do this with 4 cables

Unfortunately that means nothing regarding the hardware used.

My hue gradient strip came today boy does it work well with z2m

Exactly what I need

Going to replace all my lifx strip

I’ve been very happy doing with DIY with WLED. Which you may be able to use for your Lifx strips once we work out what sort they are. Got a photo of the LED strip showing the LEDs? Or would you have to wreck it to open it up?