LIFX *without* discovery?

I just set up my first two LIFX bulbs (I did not install them as HomeKit devices and don’t intend to), and they’re responding to LIFX app. However, I can’t seem to get the LIFX integration to find or connect to them.

I think the issue stems from the fact that I’m currently running the HA Docker on a Mac host, Docker doesn’t support network_mode: "host" (so I have to just use port-mapping for 8123 and 56700), and the LIFX integration seems is trying to broadcast and auto-discover the LIFX bulbs (I assume–there are no log messages).

I’ve set up my bulbs with static DHCP assignments based on their MAC address, so is there a way to just get the LIFX integration to connect directly to the IPs, which I already know?

Eventually I’ll be running the HA Docker on a Linux box, but it’s a lot more convenient for now to set everything up on my Mac where I can more easily edit the config files. This is the first integration where I haven’t been able to just plop some IP addresses in the config file and have everything Just Work.

See the advanced setup options at the bottom of the LIFX integration docs:

Honestly i would start on the linux box straight away, you can configure and edit the files directly from it also. The changes you may make to get it working on the mac host (nort supportint network:host) is one you will come up against a lot with not supporting discovery and those changes may not transition to the other host anyway

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Unless there’s a hidden option here, there’s no way to specify light IPs, only a way to control the server and broadcast IP and port for discovery. :frowning:

I’m in the process of migrating everything to the Linux box that will be the final host for Docker. Since I still want to edit config files, etc. locally on my Mac (to ensure they’re part of my normal backup process), it just means setting up a bunch of ssh, rsync scripts, etc. that I was hoping to defer. (Home-Assistant isn’t my only docker container, I’m also hosting several personal web sites under the same docker-compose.)

I just use samba to share the whole diorectory for my docker data , look at a docker container called duplicati for backups, i use it to backup my data from all my containers to google drive (other locations) available

Whew! Getting Docker running on Ubuntu was more painful than on Mac, but it’s done!

Six docker containers (1 nginx for 6 domains, 3 .NET Core APIs, certbot, and HA), all running with no issues on a MinisForum N40. All with ssh rsync scripts so I can push code from my Mac and restart various containers remotely, since I’m about to move this N40 to a media closet.

Both LIFX bulbs showed up, as well as our two printers! That was a nice surprise, being able to keep tabs on the toner levels.

It is slightly hidden but it is there: “broadcast: The broadcast address for discovering lights. Can also set this to the IP address of a bulb to skip discovery.”

Yeah, I tried that, but I have two bulbs and I couldn’t make two broadcast entries work.

But in the end, I got it all working with discovery in place once I switched to the Linux Docker host. I still assign dedicated LIFX IPs through DHCP because I like to know where my devices are on my network, but I can live with the discovery protocol, since it seems to be finding both of them without any issues.