Light automation using Hue motion sensor light value as trigger, failing

Good evening,

I googled already but failed and must admit that this is probably a pretty stupid problem.

My aim: turning on my outdoor Hue lights when it’s dark, leveraging the light sensor/entity of the Hue motion sensor. However it’s not triggering the automation.

Do you may see what is causing the issue? The entity value UoM should be lux. If I look up the motion sensor/entity I can always see the value which looks fine.

Many thanks and I apologize probably for raising a beginner problem.

My automation code:

alias: Licht Hauswand
description: Schaltet die Hue Außenleuchten bei Dunkelheit ein
  - trigger: numeric_state
      - sensor.bewegungsmelder_strasse_beleuchtungsstarke
    below: 50
    attribute: light_level
conditions: []
  - type: turn_on
    device_id: 8fc60ba599bb2c87eb106341e9dbed2e
    entity_id: 842d0c2298adc7200c9143e0b732071c
    domain: light
  - type: turn_on
    device_id: 8eeef62d2493ac7f6b3c8b7741902d1b
    entity_id: 5d5412d4a343869cc0ad133240492f2a
    domain: light
  - condition: numeric_state
    entity_id: sensor.bewegungsmelder_strasse_beleuchtungsstarke
    above: 50
    attribute: light_level
  - type: turn_off
    device_id: 8fc60ba599bb2c87eb106341e9dbed2e
    entity_id: 842d0c2298adc7200c9143e0b732071c
    domain: light
  - type: turn_off
    device_id: 8eeef62d2493ac7f6b3c8b7741902d1b
    entity_id: 5d5412d4a343869cc0ad133240492f2a
    domain: light
mode: single

You don’t need the attribute line in the trigger. On mine (also Hue) it would be:

  - trigger: numeric_state
      - sensor.yard_motion_sensor_light_level
    below: 50

Hi Stefan,

I don’t use device actions, but that - condition don’t look like it belongs there.
It is a condition in the middle of actions without a choose key to modify.
I could be wrong, but to me all device_id stuff is wrong, so who knows…