Light Brightness Slider not working

Hey all,

I can’t drag the brightness (and color temp) slider of lights anymore:


Anyone else experiencing the same? I can only change the brightness via tapping somewhere on the bar…

BTW: for fans the slider works as expected.


Yes same issue. Only on iPhone.
PC and iPad work correctly.

I am also having the same issue. Also on iPhone only

The same issue…! PC works fine, iPhone doesn’t. Is this a new bug introduced?

Same issue here :frowning: Have anyone reported it as a bug already?

Same issue on iOS…
Any updates on this topic?

Same issue…also iOS…

It has been reported as an Issue in Github here

It seems to only be a problem when the height of the popup is too big. If I remove the “Favorite colors”, the problem disappears, but if I then fold out the “Attributes” then the problem is back.